How to Use White Space in Design more Effective

Many modern designers involved in the development of sites advise to take an empty place quite seriously, as this can significantly affect the general view of the site, the perception of the information that is on its pages, simplify the reading process, and emphasize the finding more important moments on the page.

When developing your site, you must take the same fact that if your information is located close to each other, it can create a load on a vision for your customers. If the client visits a page with a poor-quality design, he can be disappointed with your business, even if you produce the best products or are the best among people who do the same as you. In people's minds, there is a belief that a good businessman will take care to create a good site representing his company and will pay special attention to the design of pages and information on it.

Your task is to create an emphasis on the most important words you place on the site's pages and simplify the perception of information. This plays a significant role in creating white space on the website.

This article will consider what white space is and how to make an effective web page.

What is White Space in Design?

Perhaps some users will remember that keeping all content at the top of the page was once fashionable. It was squeezed into a small space. This complicated the visual perception of the page, making it complex in terms of navigation. In modern design, the answer to this has appeared in the form of spaces.

Let's take a look at a more precise definition of white space. Actually, this is the area between the elements on your page. Typically, these elements are photos and icons.

The empty space method is used to balance the elements on the site using flow for the client when navigating.

Clients say it is much easier to work with the site. With the development of web design, various types of empty space began to appear in it. This allows the elements to take their places on the page.

Types of White Space

Types of White Space

As we said, there are several types of white space in design. They can be divided into macro and micro, as well as active and passive types of white space.


This is an empty space between text elements such as graphics, pictures, etc. This is the most popular type of white space.


This is the distance between small objects like letter spacing and line height. While this difference may be almost invisible, it still adds to the intelligibility of your page.


In this case, the special use of spaces is implied to work with the structure and flow of the site. Well-executed active whitespace results in a customer call to action or a form at the bottom of the page.


This type of white space is usually found on pages in the area of text or graphics.

5 Advice to Effectively Use Whitespace 

Advice to Effectively Use Whitespace

As we have already said, the use of white space on the page has its place in design. It has its own meaning and helps your site to be a little better. We have prepared some tips to understand exactly how you need to use your white space on the site.

Use both micro and macro white space

Types of whitespace such as micro and macro should address different purposes on your site. Microspaces refer to smaller elements on a page, such as text. Your task is to work on the microspace on your site. Watch carefully for changes to micro-gaps. Since even a small change in these spaces can significantly impair your page's readability. Macro spaces work with large design spaces, such as sections of pages or images in a gallery. Design experts advise adding white space to your site to improve customer experience by making it easier for them to scroll your site.

Don't go overboard

You have already learnt that the use of white space has a positive effect on your design. So, let’s consider the next step of using white space. You should realize the importance of the right amount of whitespace in web design. To do this, answer questions such as

  • Does the space on my site seems too empty?
  • Do my clients perceive information from my page well?
  • Does white space interfere with surrounding elements on my page?

Take care to provide enough white space in order to attract customers and delight them with a user-friendly and pleasant design with good readability.

Manage visual hierarchy with white space

The external hierarchy of a site refers to the way in which a client navigates a page. Cluttered site layouts make it hard for customers to decide what to focus on. With the help of white space, you can highlight the most important parts of the site and focus on them. Quality work on the site, which consists of the combination of white space, order, and words, highlights the external hierarchy in a good way. This will ensure that your customer is happy from start to finish using your site.

Pay close attention to the white space around your CTAs

If you take as an example and look at the most useful and high-quality sites that sell your product or service, you can find a call to action button on them. If it's a cafe, it could be a button that says "Order food for delivery," or if it's a store, "Order now." In the case of a blog, the most common call to action button is the "Subscribe" button. Your task is to surround your platform's CTA with empty space. Don't go overboard and completely isolate text or buttons. However, make sure your customers can quickly find and click on your call-to-action buttons. Action buttons are not the only useful and meaningful design element that benefits from the right white space around them. Also, remember that if your customers can't find the contact or checkout form after visiting your site, they may leave the site without selecting anything.

Don't forget about mobile

White space on small screens is also important for mobile sites. What may look good on large screens can be terrible on small screen devices. When browsing the site on the phone, paragraphs can look huge and ugly. To prevent this problem, you can use hints such as

  • Increase font size;
  • Adding additional paragraph breaks;
  • Experiment with the white space of your site until you get it to look great on different devices.

5 Best Examples of Using White Space on Website

There are many great examples of white space in the design. Let's look at the more well-known options. We are sure you will be able to understand the basic essence and be inspired by these works.



This is the first example we would like to draw your attention to. This brand uses active white spaces for specific purposes. If you think about the name of this company now, you would probably guess right away that it makes toothbrushes. The designers of this company placed a photo of a toothbrush with a large amount of white space around it. That is why the client's gaze immediately falls on the brush, leaving this fragment in memory. The brush image and centered text draw the client's attention to the platform's middle, which helps to remain visible and memorable for the audience. It also serves as a call to action (called a CTA).



Apple is the next good example of using white space in the site's design. This company is one of the first to start practicing white spaces on the Internet. The well-known Apple brand uses active white space on their site by placing images that unconditionally make your clients pay attention to certain elements at the bottom of the page. However, another important point that the company uses is the organization of an empty space of a passive type, which allows customers to move around the site without hesitation.



In fact, in this case, we can see how the Dropbox company uses the white space in their design in an original way. They use color as white space. The color blocking comes as white space, which helps group information on the platform from top to bottom. This method allows you to save a copy and still give enough space to show the content you need. You can also see that the spaces used by this company are used on a micro level through height, font size, and text spacing.



As a rule, pictures are often used in the site's main section. Although choosing a picture that will stand for your brand and doesn't conflict with the information posted can be a daunting task. By this, we mean that as you pay attention to the objects on your page, you will need to pay attention to the spaces used for your pictures. In this example, the image has a good balance of negative space in order to communicate the site's value to everyone and call for action.



When you work on white space in your pages' design, you may consider other essential principles.  For example, the two-column layout method is a common solution for displaying site information and images. However, many platforms may make these sections too tight compared to those above or below. The fifth example we've put together for you to show good use of two columns is a good one. In this case, each page section fills the entire viewing area. This forces the client to set themselves up and consider their actions and then, as an option, select one of several CTA options before scrolling further. Also, considering this example, it is worth noting that the height of each line helps to reduce visual load, and the precise movement of image blocks gives the platform a dynamic look. So, we have considered some recommendations that will help you to work on creating white space on your site. Also, we have shown you some examples of high-quality sites where you can see how to use white space to get more effects on your site and receive more attraction from people. Keep in mind this essential part of the design when you work with your site.

A little about Portfoliobox

If you work with website builders you may need a good platform to create your projects. We should recommend you our builder for the site Portfoliobox. It is an online platform that helps people create professional and attractive sites even if they don’t have programming knowledge. Our platform suggests a free and paid type of account to work on creating your site. With the help of our builders over a million people have created websites that help them sell their products and offers. Go to the site of our company and read about our offers in more detail.


Is white space good on a website?

Another incredibly important tool in web design is white space. Whit space encourages minimalism and balance. It can also improve user experience by creating, for example, paragraph breaks and spaces for better readability.

How do I manage white space on my website?

Best practices for using white space in web design:

  • Use both micro and macro white space. Micro and macro white space each serve a different purpose on your site. 
  • Don't go overboard.
  • Manage visual hierarchy with white space.
  • Pay close attention to the white space around your CTAs.
  • Don't forget about mobile.

Why do websites use white space?

White space (also known as negative space) is the empty space around content and elements on a web page. It is used to balance page design, organize content and elements, and improve the visual experience for the user.

How do you use white space effectively in design?

White space (or “negative space”) is an empty space between and around elements of a page.

  • Emphasize certain elements.
  • Clarifying Relationships Between Objects.
  • Improve readability.
  • Divide elements without using visible dividers.
  • Create a feeling of elegance.
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