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Domain, Email & Branding Tools

Elevate Your Creative Brand

Tools Tailored for Your Creative Business

Get Started
  • Dynamic Grid
  • Even Rows
  • Golden Ratio
  • Square Ratio
  • Align Center
  • Puzzle
  • Random
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Two-One
  • Three-One

Everything For Your Brand

  • svg icon Custom Domain
  • svg icon Custom Email Address
  • svg icon Unique Design Options
  • svg icon E-commerce Tools

Choose the Perfect Domain

Choosing a unique domain name that reflects your creative brand is essential for establishing your creative business's online presence. With Portfoliobox, the process of securing your custom domain is straightforward, significantly enhancing your professional image and improving your SEO standing. A custom domain boosts credibility, making your creative business more identifiable and accessible to potential clients.

Free Custom Email
Address Included

Elevate your creative business communications with a professional email that complements your new custom domain. Included in our Pro and Plus packages at no extra cost, this essential service enhances your brand's professionalism. By aligning your email address with your domain, you present a unified image to clients and collaborators, reinforcing your business’s credibility and reliability.

How Portfoliobox
Stands Out

Explore how Portfoliobox stacks up against competitors like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress, especially when it comes to value for money. Our comparative table highlights the inclusion of a custom domain and email in our Pro and Plus packages, showcasing our transparent pricing without hidden fees. Unlike many competitors, Portfoliobox ensures that you receive these essential services as part of your subscription, emphasizing our commitment to providing comprehensive, cost-effective solutions for creators and professionals.

Data as of April 2024
Features svg icon svg icon svg icon svg icon
Custom Domain Included Included Included Included
Professional Email Included Extra cost Extra cost Extra cost
Annual Domain Renewal Free Paid Paid Paid
Specialized for Creatives Yes No No No
Pricing (Annual Plan) $203
No hidden costs
+ Hidden costs
+ Hidden costs
+ Hidden costs

Customization and
Creativity Tools

Portfoliobox provides extensive customization tools that allow you to express your unique style and differentiate your creative brand. Whether tweaking a template or creating a custom layout, our platform empowers your creative business to stand out in a crowded market.

Website and Store Integration

Enhance your creative brand’s online presence with Portfoliobox’s seamless integration of domain, email, and branding across your entire website and online store. This integration supports a cohesive brand experience for your visitors and customers, crucial for building trust and recognition.

Web Hosting Included

Our unlimited hosting ensures your website remains fast and responsive for all visitors, enhancing user experience. Easily use an existing domain to maintain brand continuity, and benefit from SSL certification that protects your site with top-level security.

Pro Package
Free unlimited hosting
Fast and secure
Secure with SSL
Global CDN
Use an existing domain
By Emma Louise Wilson

I love how flexible my Portfoliobox website is, I can change and add to it with ease. It looks great and showcases my work beautifully.

How to Create Your Branded
Website with Portfoliobox

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    Choose Your Template

    Begin by selecting from a range of professionally designed templates that best reflect your brand’s visual identity and functional requirements. Our templates cater to various creative industries, ensuring that you find one that truly resonates with your artistic vision.

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    Customize Your Layout

    Utilize our user-friendly design tools to customize the layout of your chosen template. Adjust colors, fonts, and page configurations to match your unique style and branding needs. This step is crucial for making your website feel truly personal and tailored to your creative brand.

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    Search and Select Your Domain

    Secure your custom domain included in your Pro or Plus package. This step is vital as it helps establish your brand’s online home and makes it easier for potential clients to find and remember your website.

  • svg icon

    Upload Your Content

    Populate your site with high-quality images of your work, engaging blog posts, and compelling text that clearly communicates your mission and services. This content is key to showcasing your talents and the unique aspects of your creative brand.

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    Create Your Custom Email

    Configure your professional email, which aligns with your domain, to streamline your business communications. This integration not only enhances your professional image but also helps manage communications more efficiently, keeping all brand interactions consistent.

  • svg icon

    Launch Your Site

    Review all the details of your site, make any necessary adjustments, and then publish it to the web. Launching your site marks the exciting beginning of presenting your creative brand to the world, ready to attract and engage visitors and potential clients.

SEO Tips and Best Practices

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    Research Keywords

    Spend time identifying the keywords that your target audience frequently uses to search for services or products similar to yours. These keywords will be foundational in all your SEO efforts, guiding how you structure content and what topics you should focus on.

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    Optimize Your Content

    Strategically incorporate identified keywords into your website’s content, including page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and blog posts. Ensure that the integration feels natural and adds value to your readers, which will help improve both your search engine rankings and user engagement.

  • svg icon

    Improve Site Structure

    Organize your website with a clear, logical structure that search engines can easily understand and index. A well-organized site helps improve user experience and supports your SEO efforts by ensuring that all pages are indexed correctly and ranked for relevant queries.

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    Enhance User Experience

    Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and is easy to navigate. These factors significantly impact user satisfaction and are critical ranking factors in search engine algorithms. Optimizing these aspects will not only please your visitors but also bolster your site’s SEO.

  • svg icon

    Build Quality Backlinks

    Focus on acquiring backlinks from other reputable websites within your industry. Backlinks are a strong indicator of the trustworthiness and quality of your content, which can significantly boost your site’s authority and rankings in search engine results.

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    Regular Updates

    Consistently update your website with fresh, relevant content that keeps users coming back. Regular updates signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant, which can help maintain and improve your SEO standings over time. This practice is essential for long-term digital success and visibility.

24/7 Website Support

Maximize your website performance

Fast, effective customer support is synonymous with the Portfoliobox service. Reach out to our friendly team any time for professional assistance that gets to the bottom of any website-related issues urgently.

  • svg icon Client-oriented and practicing individual approach to each customer
  • svg icon Above and beyond to help you if stuck

Get started for free

Create your online portfolio website now

  • 01. Sign up for free
  • 02. Build your portfolio
  • 03. Get your own domain
Build your own portfolio