
Guide to Male Model Photo


Correctly chosen style of clothing will help to reveal the psychological portrait of the hero. The right place for the photo session also contributes to the emancipation of the male model. The photograph should reflect the reputation and social status of the man. 

Black and white pictures are especially brutal and powerful in terms of energy. Iin advance with the photographer, you should discuss the spirit of the upcoming photo session and the goal pursued by it. So the pictures can be called upon to conquer the girls, to demonstrate to those around the material situation or sense of style, to “tell” about a favorite pastime, hobby, to capture a family, and so on. If there is no exact idea about the photo, it is better to tell a specialist about it directly. He will simulate the process to select the most profitable option.

To emphasize the inner world of male model are capable of such requisites:

  • cigar;    
  • glass of cognac;
  • musical instrument;
  • sports equipment.

In this article we will tell you about the basic rules, secrets and also name the best poses for photography for men. You can publish your works with male photo poses on our website.

Types of male model photos

Photos of the same type with the same male poses for photography and angles look unattractive. To avoid such a mistake, it is enough to work on facial expressions and gestures in front of the mirror. It would be nice to discuss in detail the plan of the photo session with the photographer. This will relieve additional anxiety and allow you to relax. And the previously studied posing cheat sheet will help to smite those around you with spectacular shots.



Portrait photography is the beginning of all shooting. 

  • You can create a good shot by focusing your gaze on one point in front of you. It is undesirable to look at the ceiling or "run your eyes" from side to side. 
  • A portrait shot looks good if a hand gets into the camera lens. 
  • You can use the addition of an expensive watch or a cigar. In combination with a business suit, such props will look especially harmonious. 
  • For everyday clothes, it is better to choose accessories without frills. 
  • The simplest, but at the same time advantageous position of all model poses for a portrait is considered to be a standing position with arms folded crosswise on the chest. At the same time, it is advisable to take the shoulders slightly back, and draw in the stomach.

Hand position in modeling portfolio

Hand position in modeling portfolio

The folded arms pose is ideal for full-length shots. You can additionally diversify such photos if periodically:
change the position of the limbs:

  • place your hands on your hips;
  • hide hands behind the back;
  • put hands in pockets (it is advisable to leave thumbs outside); 
  • position freely along the body.

The pose will look advantageous if you throw a bag or item of clothing over your shoulder with one hand, and lean on your hip with the other.

Leg position

Leg position

  • The full-length picture shows the legs of the male model. 
  • In order not to create a feeling of awkwardness and unattractiveness of the pose, you can cross your limbs (one of them should be located in front of the other) or slightly bend your knee. 
  • It is important to shift the weight of the whole body to one limb, otherwise the posture will look disharmonious. 
  • A good option for a photo shoot is also the position of the legs shoulder-width apart.

Top position

Top position

  • With the right photo, it is easy to correct flaws or highlight the advantages of male model. 
  • The muscular male shoulders can be additionally distinguished by turning them towards the lens, while the hips, on the contrary, are pulled back a little. 
  • In this position, the torso will appear much more powerful.

How to prepare for a male model photo?

How to prepare for a male model photo

When preparing for a modeling portfolio, it is worth choosing as many different clothing styles as possible so that you have plenty to choose from when shooting.

  • In addition, clothing may indicate the nature of future photographs. Clothes should also be comfortable. This will help to relax.
  • In order to avoid embarrassing male model - it is necessary to study his psychological portrait in advance, learn more about the person, his hobbies, work, favorite music, as it can be staged in the studio.
  • In shooting a male portrait, the simplest and most natural poses for photography look good, the simpler the better

As far as general rules go, there are a few subtleties that a photographer should take into account in order for a portrait to really highlight the masculine features in a modeling portfolio.

  1. The pose is considered to be male which has right angles and vertical or horizontal lines prevail over diagonal ones.
  2. To emphasize the broad shoulders and muscles, ask the male model to turn the shoulders towards the camera, and, on the contrary, turn the hips slightly away from the lens.
  3. In most cases, a man's eyes should look in the same direction as his face.

How to be more photogenic for men?

A few simple tips will help save any photo session and make guys that much more photogenic:

  1. For a brutal image in a modeling portfolio, it is not at all necessary to strain all the muscles. Just looking and feeling confident is enough.
  2. Masculine strength and assertiveness can be easily accentuated by a pose in which verticals, horizontals and right angles prevail. Diagonals in the selected corner are discouraged.
  3. The gaze will appear more confident if you look in the same direction as your face.
  4. Regardless of the chosen poses for photography, perfect posture is considered the key to high-quality photography.
  5. And don't forget: a calm facial expression, a relaxed posture and a sincere smile can beautify any male model.

Ideas for men model poses for a photo shoot

Ideas for men model poses for a photo shoot

Perfect posture will only add effect to the pose. The most common mistake men make is false relaxation or on the contrary, the pose of the standing at attention. In both cases, the psychological discomfort of the models is easy noticeable, which does not add to the attractiveness of the pictures. There are no difficult and fast rules, every versatile pose can and should be changed depending on the location and scenario. There is no need to overdo it. In fact, all you need for a good modeling portfolio is simplicity: simple backgrounds, clothes,  poses and natural facial expressions. 

There are so many ideas for a male photo shoot. Here are the most relevant ones:

Photo with support

Photo with support

  • For vertical photographs the male model would be appropriate to lean against a tree or wall. 
  • This can be done while sitting on the floor or standing near a support. 
  • Hands are allowed to be hidden in pockets and bend your legs slightly at the knee. This will make the pose seem the most relaxed.

Professional photo models often use this angle in their work

Photo on the couch

Photo on the couch

The new elegant furniture is a great decoration for a men's photo shoot. Lying on the couch, the guy can in the frame:

  • work at a laptop
  • listen to music;
  • smoke a pipe;
  • look mysteriously into the distance;
  • close your eyes and rest.

Photo on the street

Photo on the street

Outdoor photography for men is one of the most convenient options. There is no need to select the scenery: everything has already been created by humanity and nature. It is enough to put on your favorite clothes, choose a suitable route, behave as naturally as possible and enjoy the process. And the choice of poses for photography will entirely depend on the weather, the season and the mood of the model. Some of the most successful options:

  • stand on the bridge and hold on to the sides with your hand;
  • stretch your arms in different directions and look at the sky;
  • cover your eyes with the back of your hand from falling precipitation.

The model is busy with his business

The model is busy with his business

Really beautiful and vivid shots in the modeling portfolio are obtained when a man is photographed doing something. The freedom and ease of posture add a special charm to the picture. Boys' favorite positions while posing:

  • read the press;
  • carry out drawings;
  • cook;
  • build;
  • joinery and carpentry;
  • repair mechanisms and stuff.

Models do not have to look into the camera lens, so this type of photo shoot is suitable even for those who are categorically against filming.

Favorite hobby

Favorite hobby

Men's hobbies - an unlimited scope of opportunities for a photo shoot. The main thing is to remain natural and not change yourself. Familiar poses for photography and inventory in hand will make the photo unbeatable. 

  • The athlete will look great in the frame on the tennis court, football field, in the pool or in the ring. 
  • The musician will get a good photo with his favorite cello, guitar and double bass. 
  • An artist with a brush, paints and easel will also stand out in a photo. 
  • Movement and experimentation with angles will only complement the established image.

We hope this information is helpful for aspiring photographers. By the way, you can share your work on our website.


How to prepare for a business male photo shoot?

Here are the basic rules on how to prepare for a business photo shoot:

  • Dress as usual for a new client;
  • Choose basic hairstyles and makeup;
  • Don't get a new haircut the day before;
  • Watch your posture;
  • Sleep well;
  • Drink plenty of water and don't skip breakfast;
  • Take some test pictures.

How to take male pictures correctly?

  • Don't overuse stereotypical frozen poses. 
  • Be mindful of your facial expressions. 
  • Watch your posture, do not bend your shoulders, do not raise the shoulder closest to the lens higher than the far one. 
  • Control the actions of your hands. 
  • Tighten your stomach, it will be better to stretch up a little.

How to make a beautiful face on a male photo?

What to do before shooting:

  • Decide which side of the face you will show on photo shoot. All people have an asymmetric face by nature, and over the years, acquired asymmetry can also manifest itself. 
  • Think about lighting.
  • Blink.
  • Get into a comfortable and natural position.
  • Select an angle. 
  • Move.
  • Wipe down the camera. 
  • Take a look around.

What subtleties of male photos should a photographer take into account?

The pose is considered to be male when it has right angles and vertical or horizontal lines prevail over diagonal ones. To emphasize the broad shoulders and muscles, ask the male model to turn the shoulders towards the camera, and, on the contrary, turn the hips slightly away from the lens. In most cases, a man's eyes should look in the same direction as his face.

Un portfolio en ligne conçu pour les créatifs

Doté de tous les outils dont un professionnel a besoin

  • Grille dynamique
  • Lignes régulières
  • Nombre d’or
  • Ratio carré
  • Aligner au centre
  • Puzzle
  • Aléatoire
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Deux-un
  • Trois-un

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