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Manage your customer bookings

Find your Bookings

These instructions will help you access and manage the list of bookings made by your customers on your website. This is not a list of the booking events you offer, but rather the bookings your customers have made.

  1. In the admin panel, click on Libraries & Tools.
  2. Under E-Commerce Archives, click on Bookings to access your bookings list. There, you can see all your bookings and their status. With the search and filter options, you can easily locate bookings based on the customer's name or Booking Title. 
  3. Click on View to see the details of the booking.

Find your Bookings on your Portfoliobox Website

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

작가를 위한 온라인 포트폴리오

전문가에게 필요한 모든 도구 제공

  • 동적 그리드
  • 짝수 행
  • 황금비율
  • 화면 비율
  • 가운데 정렬
  • 퍼즐
  • 무작위
  • 가로
  • 가로 2
  • 가로 3
  • 세로
  • 투-원
  • 쓰리-원