
AFAB architecture


Who are you?

We are AFAB,  a Spanish architecture firm founded in 2017 and led by Aitor Frías and Joaquin Perailes. AFAB keeps one foot in the most contemporary architecture and the other one in the purest tradition. His work ranges from large-scale urban projects with impact on the city to the design of tiny objects, always in the context of an intellectual research.

What are you working on at the moment?

Currently we are really busy with several projects. We are finishing a dwelling refurbishment in Covent Garden (London), preparing the beginning of some courses on architecture that Joaquín and Aitor will give next summer at the universities of Barcelona, Basque Country and Cartagena. And of course, getting ready for Europan, one of the most important and exciting competitions in contemporary architecture.

Who are your biggest influences in the industry?

Alvaro Siza, Juan Luis Trillo de Leyva, Junya Ishigami.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

The bautiful map made by Walter Marchetti in 1967 that recorded the paths of a fly on a crystal for 11 hours.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Beauty and simplicity in the design of the website for a really competitive price. And of course, continuous care and maintenance.

Um portfólio online feito para Criativos

Com todas as ferramentas de que um profissional precisa

  • Grelha dinâmica
  • Linhas regulares
  • Número Dourado
  • Proporção Quadrada
  • Alinhar ao Centro
  • Puzzle
  • Aleatório
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dois-Um
  • Três-Um

Comece agora grátis

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