A Simple Guide To An Effective Online Portfolio For Models

As a model, no matter if you are just starting out or in the height of your career, there is nothing more important than a simple and effective online portfolio. A place where clients and fans can browse your best work, and reach out should they have the desire.

In this article, we will take a look at a few simple ways to create the perfect online portfolio for models with Portfoliobox.

1. Versatility 

For a higher chance of landing that elusive contract, showing your audience your flexibility and diversity across many projects. Things to consider could be different styles, angles, and purpose (what was the project for). Ultimately, you want to show potential clients your range of modelling skills.

2. Remember: Quality & Sequence

One of the best ways to make your online modelling portfolio effective, is by using high-quality images - only upload the best of the best. If you aren’t happy with your current ones, don’t force it. Wait until you have some images that you are fully satisfied with, and then upload. 

Image sequencing is also critical. That contract could come down to the way you order your images. The first three to four images are what your audience will most likely glance at before gaining interest or exiting. Therefore, it is important to consider placing your best shots and projects as the first visuals. In saying that, if possible, try to add variation to the first few images so you are telling a story right from the start.

3. Keep It Organized

It is also important to consider adding a short description of each project. This could include the name of the client, photographer, and so on, which will show up when the image is clicked in a ‘Lightbox’ (see below). Grouping your images will help in keeping your online portfolio organized, so your audience’ perspective is something to keep in mind. 

4. Lightbox Settings

Portfoliobox has made lightbox easier than ever. Lightbox enhances the viewing experience by automatically expanding your images when clicked. What some websites make very complicated, Portfoliobox has made very simple and easy to use. All you have to do is click on ‘edit images’ and then ‘lightbox settings’. Here, you can choose to turn these settings off or on, and select how you would like the lightbox to appear. When an image is clicked, the lightbox will dim the rest of the webpage out, making the said image the focal point.

5. ‘About Me’

For models, an ‘about me’ page is essential in capturing your audience. Here, you may consider sharing information such as height, clothing and swim suit size, as well as other personal features. This is your chance to answer clients’ questions before they even ask!

6. Get Social

When constructing your ‘about me’ page, especially as a model, you want to create as many channels as possible for interested clients to contact you. Adding in social media handles can also be a way to expand your online portfolio.

You may also choose to get personal with your audience by creating a blog, as this can help your audience feel closer to you. Portfoliobox makes it super easy to create and maintain a blog; enter a title, write to your heart's content, upload your images, and publish!

What To Remember

As with all creatives, a clear and concise online portfolio is essential. However, for models, it’s important that you keep the tone of your portfolio fun and approachable, yet simple. Too much content and complexity, and you’ll turn clients away, too little and it won’t gain attention.

All in all, creating a happy-medium is highly recommended for models. Show clients what you can do and how you can do it, outline some personal details which will help clients, use high-quality and varied images, and be sequential about your image placement to help your work gain attention, land as many contracts as possible.

This is the very reason Portfoliobox is a great platform to create an effective online portfolio for models. It’s simple, easy to use, and it allows your work to do the talking for you. It is also easily customizable, and you don’t need to be a tech whizz to navigate your way around it!



