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Set up an e-commerce

  • Set up your E-Commerce

    Setting up your E-Commerce is very simple, the guide below shows you what information is needed to correctly configure your E-Commerce settings. First click on

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学习 E-Commerce Set up an e-commerce  |  Created on: March 2, 2021

  • Shipping

    For users to be able to order a product, you need to specify the countries that are available for shipping under the Cogwheel Icon>Settings>E-Commerce tab in

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学习 E-Commerce Set up an e-commerce  |  Created on: March 2, 2021

  • Taxes

    In some countries, tax is levied on most goods and services provided by registered businesses. If this tax is relevant to your online business, you can specify

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学习 E-Commerce Set up an e-commerce  |  Created on: March 2, 2021

  • Order confirmation and receipt

    After a purchase is made, the system will send an email to the customer with the order confirmation as well as a receipt of the purchase. The subject and text

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学习 E-Commerce Set up an e-commerce  |  Created on: March 2, 2021

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