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Password Protected Pages

A Password-protected gallery can be used to share images with your client easily and privately. It has password protection so only you and your client can see the gallery relevant to them. 

You can see an example of Password-protected gallery at https://specimen.portfoliobox.net/pwd/lisajohn
Write your name and use the password: 1234.

Password-protected pages are similar to regular pages, as you can use all template types and elements. The differences are:

  • You can set a password to your Password-protected Pages
  • You can share the page with your clients by email
  • They can't be found in Google Search result
  • They don’t show up in the page lists such as Set as startpage, Link to Page, Duplicate section to page
  • You can’t duplicate sections from Password-protected Pages to Pages
  • Password-protected pages are not added to SEO (sitemap.txt) and don't have SEO settings

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