
Stuart Herrington



Who are you?

I'm an artist & illustrator based in Sheffield, UK. Graduating The University of Lincoln in 2013, I'm part time and usually work on non-commercial projects. I illustrate almost entirely Digitally, creating images that use hundreds of layers of modified textures from photographs to add depth. 

What are you inspired by?

Society, people, politics, video games, story telling, science and music - are all thing's I'm passionate about, though I don't always show it in my work, the inspiration and thought process often comes from there.

What was the last movie you watched?

Last night I watched 'Edge of Tomorrow', Tom Cruise's character is sent onto a d-day style landing beach to fight against an overwhelming alien force taking over Europe and the world, though becomes stuck in an endless time loop repeating the same day. A surprisingly good movie, though ended in a cliche way of cutting off the final speech with the love interest, leaving you wondering what actually happens, a little like 'Happy ever after' movies where it could all go wrong a month down the line, they are human after all.​

What was the last book you read?

I read and sang along to 'Old McDonnald Had a Farm' for my Niece who's 20 months old, it was one of those where you press the necessary button that goes with the text and it makes animal noises and the backing track to the words, she seemed impressed, but that could be at my expense.

Do you have any role model?

The people I admire tend to have been at the top of their craft, but also dead. Randy Rhoads (Guitarist), George Carlin (Comedian), Che Guevara & Lenin. It's probably unwise to​ chose dead people as a role model, so I'll say Slash, Jerry Seinfeld and Edward Snowden / Neil DeGrasse Tyson.​

What is your next creative project?

I'm currently working on a series of City illustrations, my first was finished at the beginning of this year​, an illustration of Lincoln Cathedral as seen from outside my University building's window, it goes on sale as a limited edition print on Monday 25th January in the Cathedral shop, which I'm really happy about. 
I'm working on a series based on Sheffield landscapes as it's my home city. As an illustrator I was stuck in a way of thinking I could only really do illustrations where I make stuff up, characters, stories etc. But after watching Landscape Artist of the Year and spending a lot of time photographing the City, I realized I could still apply plenty of creativity to the subject matter.  

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Portfoliobox is a great platform for artists and creative's to showcase their work and portfolio, it's easy to use, has blog features, a simple to use interface​ and all updates are instant. It's also great value and includes a .com, the support team have also been a great help and are always quick to respond.

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Mit allen Tools, die Profis brauchen

  • Dynamisches Raster
  • Gleichmäßige Reihen
  • Goldener Schnitt
  • Quadrat
  • Zentriert
  • Puzzle
  • Zufällig
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertikal
  • Zwei zu Eins
  • Drei zu Eins

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