
Xavier Guerra


Who are you?

I'm a photographer at MTV, I photograph actors mostly. It's pretty perfect for me, I absolutely love portraiture because I feel like it's one of the few genres in photography that, no matter the creative direction, still maintains a primarily human aspect. That's what it's all about to me. 

What are you inspired by?

My grandpa. He's 88 years old and still paints and plays his banjo every single day.

What was the last movie you watched?

Oh man I don't know, I'll send a carrier pigeon with a note when I remember.

What was the last book you read?

Pastoralia by George Saunders. He's so poignant but somehow hilarious at the same time.

Do you have any role model?


What is your next creative project?

A creative project, eh? Maybe creating some vacation time hahaha oh boy.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Oh, it's so easy! I put off making a website for so long because my technical knowledge applies to cameras and camera software basically, anything beyond that is beyond me, but my girlfriend who is also a photographer showed me Portfoliobox and how easy it was. Total game changer.


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  • Dynamisk gitter
  • Jævne rækker
  • Gyldent snit
  • Kvadratforhold
  • Juster centrum
  • Puslespil
  • Tilfældigt
  • Vandret
  • Vandret 2
  • Vandret 3
  • Lodret
  • To-en
  • Tre-en

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