
Enis Aldallal


Who are you?

I am a Syrian-American Architect based in Chicago, and licensed in the state of Illinois, USA. I studied and practiced architecture in the Middle East, Great Britain, and the US. I write and publish in the theories of Architecture and my interest focuses on the physical relationship of site and context, and how architecture can signify the characteristics of its own place. My first book was published last year with Routledge and titled "Site and Composition: Design Strategies in Architecture and Urbanism". My work focuses on the reciprocal relationship between architecture and its surrounding milieu with sensitivity to natural light, circulation pattern, and materiality.

What is your next creative project?

My next project is a case study that re-imagines Chicago block which implements urban concepts that enhance and leverage the urban life in a more integral, sustainable approach

Luovan työn tekijöille tehty verkkoportfolio

Kaikki työkalut, jotka ammattilainen tarvitsee

  • Dynaaminen verkko
  • Tasaiset rivit
  • Kultainen leikkaus
  • Neliösuhde
  • Keskitä
  • Palapeli
  • Satunnainen
  • Vaakasuora
  • Vaakasuora 2
  • Vaakasuora 3
  • Pystysuora
  • kaksi–yksi
  • kolme–yksi

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