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Set a Startpage for your site

Your start page is the page that displays when you first visit your site. You can set any page on your site as your start page. By default, your start page is the first page you create.

Check your current Start Page

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Choose Change Start Page.
  3. A link to your Start Page is displayed at the top.

Edit content with Portfoliobox

The startpage of your Portfoliobox site

Set a new Start Page

To set a new start page for your site:

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Choose Change Start Page.
  3. Select one of your pages in the list and click on Set this Page as Start Page.

    Set a new Start Page for your Portfoliobox site

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

Un portfolio online pensato per i creativi

Con tutti gli strumenti che servono a un professionista

  • Griglia dinamica
  • Righe pari
  • Rapporto aureo
  • Rapporto quadrato
  • Allinea al centro
  • Puzzle
  • Casuale
  • Orizzontale
  • Orizzontale 2
  • Orizzontale 3
  • Verticale
  • Due a uno
  • Tre a uno
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