What are the Basic Principles of Becoming an Interior Designer?

To cope with these challenges, he just needs creativity and be friends with civil engineering, so an art career does not hurt. A successful interior designer can eventually create his own studio.

The interior designer creates a unique atmosphere, style, beauty, and comfort in the room, making the dreams and moods of customers come true. There are many different styles in the design of premises that have formed in different historical eras: high-tech, deconstructivism, Romanesque, modernism, and dozens of others, and in each of them, the designer must understand at the expert level.

Interior design is based on two principles:Interior Designer

  • principle of functionalism that functional is beautiful
  • constructivism’s principle does not consist of composing a composition of objects but creating an integral harmonious structure.

Aesthetics of appearance is essential for an individual, for a brand, and a non-profit organization. This tendency of people to attach importance to beauty and harmony in everything provides interior designers with an endless field of work. If you want to become an interior designer and find something to do for yourself for a long time, design is definitely the right direction.

The profession of an interior designer involves the entire interior decoration process, from the layout of the room, lighting, ventilation systems, acoustics, wall decoration, and ending with the arrangement of furniture, textile design, and the installation of navigation signs. To get all these skills you need a design school.

Design, by definition, is the modern art of artistic design, the development of models for the rational construction of a subject environment. The word design itself is of Italian origin from disegno. It has several meanings: concept, plan, intention, purpose, drawing, sketch, sketch, drawing, pattern, model, template, scheme, composition. The profession of a designer is also multifaceted and multifaceted, which has several varieties:

  • graphic design
  • Industrial Design
  • costume design
  • environment design (interior and landscape)
  • vehicle design
  • architectural design.

How to become a Good Interior Designer?

Sense of style

To work successfully in design, you need a developed aesthetic taste and draw well; this you can learn at the design school. If you do not have an innate sense of color and harmony, then it is unlikely that you will become a sought-after designer without painstaking work and study of the mentioned areas. In this environment, popularity is acquired precisely through outstanding talent, the ability to create unique projects in their beauty. If you feel that you will compete in the design environment, it is worth starting training. Entering a university or graduating from specialized courses is an individual decision. The training will take from a year to 4-5 years, but as a result, you will become a certified professional, acquire useful contacts that will help you in your future work.

3D Max courses are an option that will allow you to master the specialty most quickly in practice. Their duration can vary from a few weeks to months or even close to a year. For those who already know the basics, only master classes may be enough. Plus, an art career doesn't hurt.

The specifics of the profession. The work of an interior designer consists of several stages:

  • receiving an order and comprehending the project idea
  • development of a general concept and analysis of existing similar projects
  • optimization of project components and their harmonious combination
  • development of a sketch and its approval with the customer
  • production of a model, 3D-modeling
  • calculation and development of drawings
  • the implementation of the project into reality, its correction at the request of the customer
  • selection and design of individual furniture
  • interior decoration after finishing works
  • textile design of premises.

How to become an interior designer yourself? Sometimes people without specialized training have an artistic taste and an intuitive sense of the rules for working with a drawing, thanks to an art career. If you are one of them, you can study and independently read special literature and watch video tutorials. The designer is obliged to know everything about the range of finishing materials and feel changes in interior fashion trends subtly.

In the described situation, there is one drawback: you will not have a diploma. If you can, mastering the art of design will not be an overwhelming task. However, a strong portfolio and letters of recommendation will solve this problem because they will talk about a specialist more eloquently than any documents. But if a diploma is essential to you, then go to design school.

How to become successful? Get ready for difficulties in the stages of completing the first orders. Be as careful as possible. Create a website, a group in social networks, come up with a bonus system for your clients. Constantly strive to increase your popularity, work with both small and large customers. Just a few years in this mode, and you are already a highly demanded highly paid specialist.

What skills does an interior designer need?

What skills does an interior designer need

An interior designer needs certain qualities. To work successfully, you must be sociable, constantly interact with customers, and communicate with team members. Curiosity is also an important character trait that will help you continually develop and accept criticism. Observation will help to notice mistakes in time and correct them; empathy and responsibility will help conduct high-quality projects and find a common language and understanding with the customer.

  • Sense of style. The most obvious point, but it's important to keep it in mind. Be ready to learn and improve your life, develop observation, apply the techniques you have seen in practice, and avoid bad taste.
  • Knowing limits. When hiring a designer, the client relies on his competence but addresses his own needs, which must be remembered. Perhaps you want to make a spectacular high-tech glass kitchen, but will it suit your client? The success of an interior designer is based on the success of his projects and satisfied clients. Having damaged your reputation at the beginning of your career, you risk losing orders for several years.
  • Computer programs. To work, you will need at least some programs for making drawings and visualizations: ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, 3Ds Max, SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop. Each of these programs is a complex and multifunctional tool that takes time and effort to master.
  • Communication skills. They are important both when negotiating with the customer and when working with suppliers and contractors. It is important to be able to hear people, interact with them, and make compromises. Interior designer jobs are poor choices for misanthropes.
  • Artistic skills. Oddly enough, you don't need to be able to paint to become an interior designer. Of course, quickly sketching out a rough concept of a new environment for the client is a useful skill. But he is not the key graphic embodiment of your ideas that will help create programs. And if you later feel the need to learn how to draw, sketching or quick drawing courses will always help you. Much more important is your understanding of the color palette and color combinations.

This is one of the most unreliable, difficult, but addicting ways. After making sure that you understand what the job of an interior designer is, you just go and do the design. You need to build a portfolio initially, so you should be ready for free orders, calling potential customers, and vivid self-presentation. Look for small projects whose owners are willing to take the risk and hire a self-taught enthusiast. Do not neglect the opportunity to consult with professionals, watch TV shows about design, and read author's blogs.


  • practice from the first days
  • complete freedom in choosing orders
  • responsibility for all stages of the project
  • very fast learning by solving daily problems and tasks.


  • tiresome customer search
  • very low pay
  • lack of a mentor who can appreciate the work.

Who is it suitable for? Those who are not sure that they want to change their profession but are ready to take a chance and try and have a lot of free time. In addition, to go this route, you must have at least a small financial cushion that will support you until the design starts generating income.

Design school. If you do not feel confident that you can cope with self-study, choose the longer but more reliable path of additional education or a second degree.


  • specialized training, diploma
  • educational projects will be included in the portfolio
  • there will always be an opportunity to consult with practicing teachers.


  • training will not be free
  • you will have to study, take tests, and study projects.

In general, to become a successful designer, you need to constantly develop, keep up with new products, and implement various projects. Thus, you will gain invaluable experience that will help you advance in your career in the future.


  • What do you need to know to become an interior designer?

An interior design professional should know well:

  1. fundamentals of theory and methods of modeling architectural design
  2. basics of composition, patterns of visual perception
  3. system of design and working documentation for construction
  4. modern building materials, structures, and technologies
  • Can you become an interior designer if you can't draw?

The designer has enough special drawing skills (sketching, sketches) and mastery of special software packages to visualize the idea. You can start teaching design from scratch even when you do not know how to draw and do not have an art education.

  • What does an aspiring interior designer need to know?

Interior design isn't just fun. To do this, they must understand the history of design, architecture, building codes, ergonomics, ethics, psychology, design software, and more. All this knowledge can be obtained during training.

  • How much does an interior designer earn in the USA?

Interior Designers earn $57515 per year in the USA.

  • Can you become a graphic designer if you can't draw?

In graphic design, you don't need to be able to draw. It is enough to understand the basic principles of composition, to be able to work with color and expressive means. However, a designer with drawing skills has advantages over competitors: Improved retouching and image processing.

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