
Elena Zaucke


© Elena Zaucke

Who are you?

I am a portrait photographer- from Hamburg, Germany. I am aaalmost 30 years old and enjoy shooting portrait on location and studio – though outside shootings are by far my favorite ones ;-) 

I mostly shoot actors and the only reason I am in photography really is because I like good conversations and meeting new people. Any good shoot also comes with a wonderful conversation – especially with actors. With my photographs I like to show the connection I had during the conversation with that person. I usually work without assistance so the connection between the "subject" and me even grows bigger and more intimate.

What is your next creative project?

No certain creative project, I feel like my job is a life-time creative project. 

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Portfoliobox gives me the chance to just NOT care about all the complicating stuff that comes with websites/portfolios etc. It's easy and quick and JUST exactly what I need. 

작가를 위한 온라인 포트폴리오

전문가에게 필요한 모든 도구 제공

  • 동적 그리드
  • 짝수 행
  • 황금비율
  • 화면 비율
  • 가운데 정렬
  • 퍼즐
  • 무작위
  • 가로
  • 가로 2
  • 가로 3
  • 세로
  • 투-원
  • 쓰리-원

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