Marion Kabac

Marion Kabac Photographer

Tell us a bit about yourself

Nature photographer and self-portrait artist based in the french Alps, dreamer and astronomy lover.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

Astrophotography is what drives me the most actually, every nightscape photography moment is unique and breathtaking. I gather all my starry self-portraits in "Astralitées", a series where I explore melancholy, vulnerability and hope.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on my debut book !

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

I fell in love with self-portraiture when I discovered the photography works of Brooke Shaden and Alex Stoddard. Few years later, I also found out the images of Andrea Dabene and Elizabeth Gadd, who both combine self-portrait with landscape photography.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

Music. Metal and heavy subgenres help me to find beauty in raw, brutal emotions, and to dig deeper in vulnerability.

Tell us why it's important for you to have a portfolio website

A website is the best place to showcase your artwork with lossless/high quality visuals, curated and captioned galeries. This is simply impossible in any social media.

As a photographer what are your tips in building a photography website?

Keep it simple ! Try to not loose your audience with a complex sitemap, and tell your purpose in just a few pages : your story, 1 to 5 galeries, a "work with me" and contact section.

How do you market yourself?

Social medias is what works best for me. Recently, I also launched a newsletter to share behind-the-scenes content with my community.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

The version 4 of Portfoliobox is all I am looking for to setup my portfolio and a simple "shop" section. The whole interface is classy, very intuitive, and provide endless possibilities for artist and small businesses.

Visit Marion 's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow her on Instagram.

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