Top 12 Product Page Design in 2023

Welcome to the world of product page design in 2023, where the future is now.  A product page is the heart and soul of any e-commerce website. As online shopping continues to grow, it's essential to have a product page that:

  • Not only showcases your products
  • But also provides an immersive and engaging experience for your customers

Recent studies have shown that 81% of consumers conduct online research before purchasing. And the best product page design can increase the likelihood of a customer buying a product by up to 70%. 

With the help of the latest technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, product pages have evolved into a 3D immersive experience. It enables customers to explore and experience products like never before.

Furthermore, product pages use AI-driven product recommendations. It allows customers to discover products that they might not have considered initially. 

Engaging visuals, persuasive copy, and personalized recommendations have made product pages more customer-centric. It has resulted in higher engagement and conversions.

In this guide, we’ll discover the secrets to creating top product page designs. They will take your e-commerce business to the next level.

Why is It Important to Create a Perfect Product Page Design?

Why Is It Important to Create A Perfect Product Page

Creating a perfect product page design is essential for any e-commerce business, as:

  • It plays a critical role in driving sales
  • And conversions

A product page is where a customer lands after clicking on a product from:

  • Search engine;
  • Social media;
  • Or email marketing campaign. 

It's the first impression that a customer gets of your product. And it can make or break the sale. Here are some more reasons why it's essential to create a perfect product page design:

Captures Attention

A properly designed page can grab:

- customers' attention;

- and keep them engaged. 

It's important to use: 

- high-quality product images;

- engaging visuals;

- and persuasive copy that highlights the product's unique features and benefits.

Builds Trust

A professional e-commercial product page helps build trust with customers. Customers feel more confident in making a purchase when providing detailed product: 


- reviews;

- and ratings.

Improves User Experience

A user-friendly and good product page design that is easy to navigate, with clear and concise information, can improve the user experience. Customers are more likely to: 

- stay on your website;

- and complete a purchase if they quickly find what they are looking for.

Increases Conversions

A page optimized for conversion can increase sales and revenue. Customers are more likely to complete a purchase by including: 

- clear call-to-actions; 

- personalized product recommendations;

- and an easy checkout process.

      5.  Supports SEO

A page that is optimizable for search engines can improve: 

- your website's visibility;

- and drive organic traffic. 

You can increase the chances of your product page appearing in SERPs by including: 

- relevant keywords;

- meta descriptions;

- and product titles. 

SEO is a vital component in any e-commerce strategy. And it should be given careful consideration to ensure success in today's competitive market.

9 Product Page Examples You Need to Know About

There are many examples of outstanding product pages. But some of the most notable include:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Nike
  • Zara
  • Sephora
  • Best Buy
  • Ikea
  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Etsy

These companies excel in providing:

  1. Clean layouts; 
  2. High-quality product images;
  3. Detailed information;
  4. Customer reviews;
  5. And clear call-to-action.

When learning product page examples, it's important to consider several factors:

  1. Product page layout and design;
  2. Quality and quantity of product images;
  3. Level of detail provided about the product;
  4. Presence of customer reviews and ratings;
  5. Clear and prominent call-to-actions;
  6. And the inclusion of shipping and return information.

Additionally, it's important to consider: 

  • Context in which these examples were created;
  • And how they align with the brand's marketing strategy and target audience. 

By analyzing these factors and applying them to your product pages, you can:

  • Improve the effectiveness of your e-commerce product page and website design;
  • And increase your chances of converting visitors into customers.

Here are some of the 10 best product page examples:

  1. Amazon

Amazon's pages are famous for:

  • Clear and concise product information;
  • High-quality product images;
  • And customer reviews and ratings. 

The product images are displayable prominently, with options to:

  • Zoom in;
  • And view the product from many angles. 

The product description is detailed and includes:

  • Technical specifications;
  • Product dimensions;
  • And other relevant information. 

Customers can easily find more information about:

  • Shipping;
  • Returns;
  • And other policies on the page. 

Amazon's product pages are also optimized for mobile devices. It makes it easy for customers to shop on the go.

  1. Apple

Apple's product page design is sleek and minimalist, with a focus on:

  • Excellent product images;
  • Detailed product information;
  • And personalized recommendations. 

The images are visible prominently, with the option to view the product from different angles. The descriptions are clear and succinct, with information about:

  • Product's features;
  • Technical specifications;
  • And available colors and sizes. 

Apple's pages also include personalized product recommendations based on:

  • Customer's buying;
  • History, and preferences.
  1. Nike

Nike's product page example is the best for several reasons:

  • The images display the product from many angles.
  • The descriptions are precise and include information about:

- product's features;

- benefits;

- and materials. 

Nike's pages also include interactive product videos. It shows the product in action and allows customers to explore its features in more detail.

  1. Zara

This product page template brings a sense of luxury and sophistication. The product images are high-end and showcase the product in a stylish setting. 

The descriptions are succinct and include information about:

  • Product's materials;
  • And care instructions. 

Zara's pages also include related products and customer reviews and ratings.

  1. Sephora

Sephora's pages give a personalized experience for customers. The product images are high-grade and display the product from many angles. 

The product descriptions are detailed and include information about the product's:

  • Benefits;
  • Ingredients;
  • And how to use it. 

Sephora's page templates also include personalized product recommendations based on:

  • Customer's skin tone;
  • Skin type;
  • And preferences.
  1. Ikea

Ikea's product page example gives a sense of simplicity and practicality. The product images display the product in a clean and uncluttered setting. The product descriptions are comprehensive, with information about:

  • Product's materials;
  • And dimensions. 

Ikea's pages also include related products and customer reviews and ratings.

  1. Walmart

Walmart's product page design has detailed information about the product. The product images are high-resolution and display the product from multiple angles. The descriptions include:

  • Technical specifications;
  • Features;
  • And benefits. 

The pages also include customer reviews, ratings, and related products.

  1. Target

This product page example creates a sense of fun and excitement. The product images display the product in a colorful and vibrant setting. The product descriptions include information about:

  • Product's features;
  • Benefits;
  • And materials. 

Target's pages also include customer reviews, and ratings and related products.

  1. Etsy

Etsy's page focuses on creating a personalized experience for customers with:

  • Detailed product information;
  • Customer reviews and ratings;
  • And personalized product recommendations based on the customer's preferences and buying history.

12 Tips: How to Layout a Product Page

When laying out a product page, it's important to keep the design clean and simple with:

  • High-quality images
  • And detailed product information
  • Clear call-to-action
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Minimalist color scheme
  • And shipping and return information 

Do you want to have a unique product page? Designing an unusual product page can be a great way to:

  • Stand out from competitors
  • And capture customers' attention

To achieve this, it's important to think outside the box and get creative with the design:

  1. One approach is to use unique and unexpected visual elements, such as:
  • Animations;
  • Or interactive graphics.
  1. Another option is to experiment with the product page layout, such as:
  • Using non-traditional navigation;

Incorporating a product configurator tool

  • Or incorporating storytelling into the product description.

But it's important to remember that while an unusual product page can be effective, it should still be:

  • User-friendly;
  • And easy to navigate. 

Testing the design with users and analyzing their behavior can help ensure that the page is:

  • Unique;
  • And effective. 

Here are 12 tips on how to layout a product page:

  1. Use a clean and simple layout

A clean and simple layout is key to a successful page. The page should be:

  • Easy to navigate;
  • And not cluttered with too much information or distracting elements.

Check the following most important information is prominently visible and easy to find:

  • Product images;
  • And descriptions.
  1. Make sure the product images are high-quality and show the product from different angles

High-end product images are crucial for:

  • Showcasing the product:
  • And giving customers a clear idea of what they buy. 

Use images that are:

  • Large enough to see all the details;
  • And show the product from different angles. 

Use zoom or 360-degree rotation features to allow customers to get a closer look at the product.

  1. Include detailed product information

 This product page design should include technical specifications, such as the product’s:

  • Weight;
  • Size;
  • And materials.

Also, check the dimensions are easy to find. This information can help customers decide whether the product will fit their expectations.

  1. Use clear and concise product descriptions

Product descriptions should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use bullet points or short paragraphs to highlight the product's:

  • Features;
  • Benefits;
  • And any unique selling points. 

Avoid using technical jargon or language that can be confusing to the customer.

  1. Include customer reviews and ratings to build trust

Customer reviews and ratings are a powerful tool for a product page design template:

  • Trust;
  • And increasing conversions. 

Including reviews and ratings on the product page allows customers to see:

  • What others have to say about the product;
  • And can help them make a more informed decisions. 

Consider featuring a mix of positive and negative reviews. It will provide a balanced perspective.

  1. Use clear and prominent call-to-actions, such as "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now"

Clear and prominent call-to-actions are essential for encouraging customers to make a purchase. Ensure these buttons are easy to find and stand out on the page. Consider using:

  • Contrasting colors;
  • Or bold fonts to draw attention to these buttons. 

You can also include many call-to-actions throughout the product page design, such as:

  • One at the top;
  •  And one at the bottom.
  1. Make sure the product page is optimizable for mobile devices

More and more customers use mobile devices to shop online. So it's essential to ensure that your product page is optimizable for mobile. This means using a responsive design that adjusts to the device's screen size. Check the following features, all easy to see and use on a small screen:

  • Product images;
  • Descriptions;
  • And call-to-actions. 

You can also consider using larger fonts and buttons for better usability.

  1. Consider using personalized product recommendations

It can help increase sales by:

  • Suggesting products that are relevant;
  • And complementary to the customer's interests. 

This can be based on their:

  • Previous acquisitions;
  • Browsing history;
  • Or other data points. 

Displaying these recommendations on the product page design template helps keep customers:

  • Engaged;
  • And interested in your products. 

You can use machine learning or AI-based algorithms. It will make these recommendations more accurate and effective.

  1. Use a minimalist color scheme that complements the product

A minimalist color scheme helps the product:

  • Stand out;
  • And create a more cohesive look and feel on the page. 

Consider using a neutral color scheme that complements the product, such as:

  • White;
  • Black;
  • Or gray. 

You can also use pops of color to draw attention to important elements, such as:

  • Call-to-actions;
  • Or product information.
  1. Include shipping and return information

Customers want to know that they can trust the retailer they buy from. And including shipping and return information in product page design can help build that trust. 

Add information about

  • Shipping costs;
  • Estimated delivery times;
  • And any return policies or guarantees. 

This information helps customers:

  • Make an informed decision about their acquisitions;
  • And feel more confident about shopping with your store.
  1. Consider including product videos

Product videos can provide customers with:

  • More immersive;
  • And detailed views of the product than static images alone. 

Consider including product videos that:

  • Showcase the product from different angles;
  • And prove its features and benefits. 

This can help customers better understand the product and make a more informed buying decision.

  1. Make sure the product page loads 

Slow page load times can: 

  • Lead to customer frustration;
  • And even cause customers to abandon their purchases altogether. 

Check your product page template is optimizable for fast load times by:

  • Minimizing large images; 
  • Using a content delivery network (CDN);
  • And compressing files. 

You can also use website speed testing tools to track and optimize page load times. A fast-loading product page can help ensure:

  • The positive shopping experience for customers;
  • And increase the likelihood of conversions.

Start Showcasing Your Work to the World Today!

Portfoliobox is a versatile website builder. It can help with product page design in several ways:

  1. The platform offers customizable templates specifically designed for e-commerce websites providing users with a great starting point for their product pages.
  2. Portfoliobox allows users to add easily:

- high-quality images;

- and product videos to their pages. It ensures their products and page design are in the best possible light. 

  1. The platform also includes built-in e-commerce functionality. It allows users to set up an online store and manage their sales easily. 
  2. Portfoliobox offers powerful SEO tools. It helps users optimize their pages for search engines by:

- increasing their visibility;

- and driving more traffic to their websites.

With Portfoliobox website builder, you can easily:

  • Showcase your work in a professional and visually appealing way;
  • Attract potential clients and employers.

Don't wait any longer. Start building your online portfolio today and take your career to the next level!


What is product page design?

Product page design is the process of creating an online page. It showcases a particular product and provides detailed information about:

  • its features;
  • benefits;
  • and specifications. 

The design of a product page can influence a customer's decision to purchase.

What makes a successful product page?

A successful page effectively informs the product value to the customer. This can be achievable through:

  • clear and concise product descriptions, 
  • high-quality images;
  • detailed product information;
  • and customer reviews and ratings.

Should product pages include pricing information?

Yes, product pages should include pricing information. Since it helps potential customers make informed buying decisions. But, there can be cases where pricing information is not available upfront, such as:

  • for high-end;
  • or custom products that need a consultation or quote.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in product page design?

Common mistakes include:

  • cluttered and confusing layouts;
  • lack of product information or specifications;
  • poor quality product images;
  • difficult navigation;
  • and not optimizing for mobile devices.

Should product pages include social media sharing buttons?

Including social media sharing buttons can help:

  • increase brand awareness;
  • and potentially lead to more sales. 

But, it's important to:

  • consider which social media platforms are relevant to your target audience;
  • and avoid overwhelming customers with too many sharing options.

What should product pages be to encourage upselling and cross-selling?

To encourage upselling and cross-selling, product pages should include:

  • related or complementary products;
  • customer reviews and ratings;
  • and product bundles or discounts. 

Personalized recommendations based on customer browsing or purchase history can also be effective.

Should product pages include live chat support?

Offering live chat support on product pages can:

  • provide customers with immediate help;
  • and help answer any questions or concerns they can have. 

But it's important to have a knowledgeable and responsive support team. It will ensure a positive customer experience.

How can a product page design create a sense of urgency in the buyer?

You can use the following tactics such as:

  • limited-time offers;
  • scarcity messaging;
  • countdown timers;
  • low stock alerts;
  • strategic placement of call-to-action buttons;
  • and persuasive language.
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