
How to Get Better at Digital Art - Tips for Beginners


Digital art has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the accessibility and versatility of digital tools. For beginners, the world of digital art can seem daunting, with so many different techniques, software programs, and styles to choose from. However, some tips and tricks can help you take your art to the next level:

  • First and foremost, it's essential to choose the right software for your needs. Take some time to research and experiment with different programs. It will find the one that best suits your style and workflow.
  • Once you've chosen your software, it's time to start practising your brush techniques. Experiment with different brushes and pressure settings to achieve the desired effects.
  • Finally, don't forget to use online resources and tutorials. There are countless digital art communities and resources online. They offer tips, tricks, and feedback on how to get better at digital art

Did you know that in 2021, digital artist Beeple's "Everyday: The First 5000 Days" sold his digital collage for $69.3 million at Christie's auction? It was the third most expensive artwork ever sold by a living artist.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn in digital art. Exploring the work of renowned digital artists can provide inspiration and insight into different techniques and styles. So grab your tablet and stylus, and let's get started!

Understanding The Basics Of Digital Art

Understanding The Basics Of Digital Art

Digital art is a medium of artistic expression that involves the use of digital tools such as:

  • Computer 
  • Or a tablet to create artwork

Digital art encompasses a wide range of styles and skills, including:

At its most basic level, digital art is created by using software programs. It simulates traditional art tools like:

  • Brushes
  • Pencils
  • And paints

One of the significant benefits of digital art is:

  • Ability to undo mistakes
  • And experiment with different styles and techniques 

To get started with digital art, it's important to understand the basics of the medium. These tips for digital art include:

  • Knowing which software programs to use
  • How to use them
  • As well as mastering the various tools and techniques 

Digital art tools and software programs often include a wide range of features, such as:

  • Layering
  • Masking
  • And blending modes

They can give artists a high level of control over their artwork. It's important to experiment with these features and tools to see:

  • what works best for your style;
  • and workflow.

Tips on the Basics of Digital Sketching

Knowing digital sketching is important for artists and designers. Since it allows for faster and more efficient creation of:

  • sketches and artwork;
  • as well as the ability to easily edit and share digital creations.

Here are some digital sketching tips to help you create better artwork:

  1. Choose the right tools

Experiment with different digital brushes to find the best ones for your style. Some brushes are better for creating sharp lines. While others are better for blending colors.

  1. Start with a rough sketch

Just like traditional sketching, starting with a rough sketch in digital art is important. This lets you plan the composition and get a basic idea of what you want to create.

  1. Use layers

Layers allow you to work on different elements of your artwork separately. It makes it easier to make changes and adjustments as needed.

  1. Experiment with brushes

Find the best ones for your style and the look you want to achieve.

  1. Use reference images

Reference images can be a great tool for digital sketching. Use these image digital sketching tips in:

- proportions;

- lighting;

- and other elements.

They will help you create more realistic and accurate artwork.

  1. Play with opacity and pressure

Experiment with these settings to create different effects in your sketch.

  1. Practice drawing basic shapes

Practising drawing basic shapes like circles, squares, and triangles will improve your digital sketching skills. This will help you develop your hand-eye coordination and get used to the tools in your software.

Does Digital Art Require Talent Or Skill?

Digital art, like any other art, requires talent and skill to create:

  • Compelling
  • And visually appealing works of art

Talent is a natural inclination or ability. Skill can be learned and developed through practice and hard work.

In the case of digital art, having talent in traditional art forms such as drawing, painting, and composition can certainly give an artist a head start. But, it's important to remember that digital art requires a set of technical skills, such as:

  • Familiarity with digital tools
  • And software programs

But, talent and skill are not the only factors that contribute to success in digital art. Other important qualities on how to get better at digital art include:

  • Creativity
  • Strong work ethic
  • Willingness to learn and adapt to new techniques and technologies

In short, talent can help create digital art. But developing the necessary skills through practice and hard work is equally important. With dedication and a willingness to learn, anyone can improve their digital art skills and create stunning works of art.

11 Tips To Improve Your Digital Art Skills

11 Tips To Improve Your Digital Art Skills

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, there are always ways to improve your art skills. Here are some tips to help you take your art to the next level:

  • Practice regularly and consistently to improve your skills and develop muscle memory.
  • Experiment with different techniques and styles to expand your creative horizons. These tips for beginners are suitable for all stages of the digital art process.
  • Learn the basics of color theory and composition to make your artwork more appealing.
  • Seek feedback and critique from other artists to gain insight and improve your work. 
  • Take online courses and tutorials to learn new skills and techniques. 
  • Attend workshops and art events to network with other artists. Learn from experts in the field. 
  • Keep your software and equipment updated to know you have the tools for high-quality art.
  • Study the works of other artists for inspiration and develop your unique style. 

Follow these tips on how to get better at digital art. And you can enhance your skills and create artwork that stands out:

  1. Practice regularly

Here are some tips for digital art on how to do so:

  • Set aside dedicated time for practice. Schedule regular practice sessions into your weekly routine. And stick to them as much as possible.
  • Start with simple exercises. Begin each practice session with warm-up exercises. It helps focus on specific skills, such as shading or perspective.
  • Challenge yourself. Push yourself to take on more complex projects and experiment with new styles.
  • Mix it up. Don't be afraid to try different types of digital art, such as 3D modeling or animation. They will keep your practice sessions fresh and engaging.
  • Keep a record of your progress. Take regular snapshots of your artwork to track your progress over time. And identify areas where you need to improve.
  1. Experiment with different digital drawing techniques and styles

Explore digital drawing techniques and styles to discover your unique artistic expression:

  • Try new tools and software. Explore digital art tools and software programs to see what works best. 
  • Take risks. Don't be afraid to try new things and take risks with your artwork. This can help you
    - grow as an artist;

- and develop new digital drawing techniques that you can apply to future projects.

  • Document your experiments. Record your experiments and progress:

- take notes on what worked well and what didn't;

- use this knowledge to improve your future projects.

  1. Study the works of other artists for inspiration

Here are some tips on how to study the works of other artists and get better at digital art:

  • Analyze the techniques used. Look closely at the artwork and identify the different techniques used to create it. For example, pay attention to the brushstrokes, color choices, lighting, and composition. Try to know how these techniques work together to create the overall artwork effect.
  • Study different styles. Look at a variety of artwork from different artists in different styles. It helps you to broaden your understanding of different art forms and develop your style.
  • Take notes. Make notes on what you find interesting or inspiring. This will help you remember and apply what you have learned in your artwork.
  1. Learn the basics of color theory and composition

These digital art tips for beginners help better understand the basics of color theory and composition:

  • Start with the basics. Begin by learning the fundamentals of color theory and composition. This includes learning about:

- color wheel;

- color relationships;

- and the principles of composition.

  • Practice using color and composition. Experiment with different color palettes and compositions in your artwork. Take note of what works well and what doesn't.
  • Use reference materials. They are color charts and composition templates to guide your artwork. 
  1. Seek feedback and critique from other artists

With the help of these tips for digital art, you can improve feedback:

  • Join an online art community. Join online communities like DeviantArt, ArtStation, Behance, or Reddit's digital art subreddits. These communities have many artist members. They can give feedback and critique your work.
  • Ask specific questions. When asking for feedback or critique, be specific with your questions. Ask for feedback on certain aspects of your work, such as:

- composition;

- color choices;

- or shading.

  • Give feedback to others. Give feedback to others in the community. This helps you: - develop your critical eye;

- and provide you with a better understanding of what makes good digital art.

  1. Take online courses and tutorials

Courses and tutorials will boost your knowledge of how to get better at digital art:

  • Research before choosing a course. Take the time to research the different online courses and tutorials. Look for reviews and feedback from previous students. It will help get an idea of the course quality.
  • Choose a course that matches your skill level. Taking a course that is too basic or advanced can not be helpful.
  • Set aside dedicated time. When taking an online course or tutorial, setting aside dedicated time is important. It is useful in completing the lessons and practicing the techniques. Consistency is key to improving your digital art skills.
  • Follow along with the instructor. Try to follow along with the instructor as closely as possible during the tutorials. This will help you understand the techniques better and apply them to your artwork.
  1. Attend workshops and art events   

Here are some digital art tips for beginners. They help you make the most out of these experiences:

  • Bring the right equipment: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment for the event/workshop. This could include a laptop, tablet, stylus, or other tools.
  • Network with other artists. Take the opportunity to network with other artists at the event/workshop. 
  • Ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions during the event/workshop to:

- clarify any confusion;

- and gain a deeper understanding of the topics.

  • Participate in activities. If the event/workshop includes hands-on activities, be sure to take part. 
  • Follow up. After the event/workshop, follow up with any contacts or resources you made. 
  • Stay curious. Keep an open mind and stay curious about new techniques and tools.
  1. Keep your software and equipment up to date  

These tips for digital art  to help you keep your software and equipment up to date:

  • Stay informed. Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in digital software and hardware by following:
    - industry blogs;

- forums;

- and social media accounts. 

It helps you stay informed about the latest digital drawing trends and techniques.

  • Invest in quality equipment.  Use high-quality graphics tablets, pen displays, and other peripherals.
  • Upgrade your software regularly. Keep your software current and take advantage of the latest improvements.
  1. Develop your unique style

Developing your unique style in digital art takes time, effort, and experimentation:

  • Focus on what you enjoy. Focus on creating art that you enjoy, and that reflects:

- your personality;

- and interests. 

  • Develop a signature element. Incorporate a signature element into your work that makes it instantly recognizable. This could be a unique color palette, use of texture, or a particular subject matter.
  1. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them

Use these digital tips for beginners. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, even experienced artists. And it's important not to fear them.

  1. Take breaks

These tips for digital art are last but not least. Digital sketching can be tiring on your eyes and hands. Take frequent breaks to rest your eyes and stretch your hands to avoid fatigue or injury. 

Make Your Online Digital Art Portfolio with Portfoliobox Website Builder    

Portfoliobox is a website builder that allows digital artists to create their online portfolios easily. With its user-friendly interface, artists can:

  • Choose from various customizable templates
  • And design their portfolios to showcase their digital art in the best possible way

Artists can organize their portfolios by adding:

  • Galleries
  • Pages
  • And links to social media accounts 

Portfoliobox also offers a range of features, including:

  • Custom domains
  • SEO tools
  • And e-commerce capabilities to sell digital art directly from the portfolio

With Portfoliobox, artists can easily create a professional-looking digital art portfolio. It allows showcasing your digital artwork and skills to potential clients and employers.

Give us a call today to discuss your project in more detail. We would love to help make your vision come to life!


Does digital require talent?

Yes, digital art requires talent, just like traditional art forms. But, with practice and dedication, anyone can improve their digital art skills.

Are digital artists real artists?

Digital artists are real artists. The medium can differ, but the creative process, skill, and artistic vision are the same.

How do I choose the right tablet or digital device for digital art?

When choosing a tablet or digital device for digital art, consider factors such as:

- pressure sensitivity;

- screen size;

- and resolution to ensure that it meets your needs and preferences.

How can I learn to market my digital art to potential clients?

It involves:

- creating a strong online presence;

- building a portfolio;

- networking with other artists and industry professionals;

- and targeting your audience effectively.

Een online portfolio gemaakt voor creatievelingen

Met alle tools die een professional nodig heeft

  • Dynamisch raster
  • Regelmatige rijen
  • Gulden snede
  • Vierkante verhouding
  • Centreren
  • Puzzel
  • Willekeurig
  • Horizontaal
  • Horizontaal 2
  • Horizontaal 3
  • Verticaal
  • Twee-één
  • Drie-één

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