
Erik Simander



Who are you?

My name is Erik Simander. I'm a photojournalism student, currently in my last year of studies, based in Stockholm, Sweden. Right now I'm working at Bildbyrån Photo Agency, Scandinavia's largest sports photo agency, as a part of my work experience. 

What are you inspired by?

Hard to pinpoint, but mostly other photographers as well as movies, everyday life, et cetera.

What was the last movie you watched?


What was the last book you read?

11/22/63 by Stephen King.

Do you have any role model?

I have a lot of role models, but the list would go on and on if I mentioned them all here.

What is your next creative project?

 An earlier project about Aurora Borealis tourism that I started a year ago but then had to stop, is something I'm thinking about doing sometime in the future.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

What made me choose Portfoliobox was the simplicity of designing and building your own website, as well as its elegant design.

Portfolio internetowe stworzone dla kreatywnych

Ze wszystkimi narzędziami, których potrzebuje profesjonalny twórca

  • Dynamiczna siatka
  • Parzyste rzędy
  • Złoty podział
  • Układ kwadratowy
  • Wyrównaj do środka
  • Puzzle
  • Losowy
  • Poziomo
  • Poziomo 2
  • Poziomo 3
  • Pionowo
  • Dwa do jednego
  • Trzy do jednego

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