
Han Roh - Eyewear Designer


Han Roh sketch

What are you working on at the moment?

Future eye wear design for 2023 Dita Eyewear Collection

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

  • Chris Bangel
  • Dieter rams
  • Raymond Loewy
  • Henry Dreyfuss
  • And lots of unknown designers who make world a better place.

Tell us why it's important for you to have an online portfolio website

Portfolio website is the very first communication tool for designers. It makes you to convey your design work without doing a verbal presentation.

What are your tips in building a good online portfolio website?

Simple and Intuitive design is the key.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

Simple and Intuitive design. Easy to update design.

Visit Han Roh's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow him on Instagram.

Portfolio internetowe stworzone dla kreatywnych

Ze wszystkimi narzędziami, których potrzebuje profesjonalny twórca

  • Dynamiczna siatka
  • Parzyste rzędy
  • Złoty podział
  • Układ kwadratowy
  • Wyrównaj do środka
  • Puzzle
  • Losowy
  • Poziomo
  • Poziomo 2
  • Poziomo 3
  • Pionowo
  • Dwa do jednego
  • Trzy do jednego

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