
Jules Dalod-Danesi


© Jules Dalod-Danesi

Who are you?

I live in Paris, I'm 34. I worked in fashion and I started photography cause I love shot a moment of life, I love fashion, retro, and of course I love women.

What are you working on at the moment?

Right now I'm working on a photography project about photography and sexuality, something that I can't talk more about ;)

Who are your biggest influences in the industry?

The biggest influence photographer in the industry are Patrick Demarchelier, Avedon, Mapplethorpe, etc. etc. :)

What was the last thing that inspired you?

I'm inspired by art and life in general, a light a shadow, a moment of life, someone in the street. I don't close my mind trying to be inspired only by the greatest artist.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

I do like Portfoliobox because basically you can present your work the way you have it in mind, and it's really easy to use .. so this is the perfect fit! 

Portfolio internetowe stworzone dla kreatywnych

Ze wszystkimi narzędziami, których potrzebuje profesjonalny twórca

  • Dynamiczna siatka
  • Parzyste rzędy
  • Złoty podział
  • Układ kwadratowy
  • Wyrównaj do środka
  • Puzzle
  • Losowy
  • Poziomo
  • Poziomo 2
  • Poziomo 3
  • Pionowo
  • Dwa do jednego
  • Trzy do jednego

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