
Nicholas Yuen



Who are you?

I am Nicholas Yuen, I am a graphic designer and photographer based in Malaysia. I work towards those non mainstream photographer, weddings or event etc.

What are you inspired by?

My favourite artist would be Picasso and Dali, i like their surrealism direction. 

What was the last movie you watched?

The latest movie I watched was Deadpool. Really nice CGI and very different shooting style compare to the other super hero movies. 

What was the last book you read?

I don’t really read books, haha.

Do you have any role model?

My role model would be my father. He is a great example of how to be a good man, husband and father.

What is your next creative project?

My next project would be a shirt catalogue. Its a very boring cooperate shirt, but make it looks interesting would be a huge challenge, and I love challenge.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Portfoliobox make building website very easy and hassle free. =) 

Portfolio internetowe stworzone dla kreatywnych

Ze wszystkimi narzędziami, których potrzebuje profesjonalny twórca

  • Dynamiczna siatka
  • Parzyste rzędy
  • Złoty podział
  • Układ kwadratowy
  • Wyrównaj do środka
  • Puzzle
  • Losowy
  • Poziomo
  • Poziomo 2
  • Poziomo 3
  • Pionowo
  • Dwa do jednego
  • Trzy do jednego

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