
Sari Majander


Who are you?

I'm a printmaker and emerging artist originally from Finland, but now residing in Brighton, UK. I combine traditional woodcut techniques, with all its irregularities, and precise laser-engraving to ask questions about the redundancy of human mark making. In my prints, I insist on tactility and aesthetic pleasure in a time when our many interactions are transmitted through the touch of a screen. 

What is your next creative project?

I like to challenge myself in my art practice, so I've built a low-tech printmaking studio where I'm learning how to make work completely by hand. I'm also preparing for a group show "Space Within" at neo:gallery23 in Bolton.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

I first learnt about Portfoliobox at art school and the platform has served me well in my professional life! Being able to link my Instagram account to my portfoliobox-website has been an excellent way to share a behind-the-scenes look at my studio.

Portfolio internetowe stworzone dla kreatywnych

Ze wszystkimi narzędziami, których potrzebuje profesjonalny twórca

  • Dynamiczna siatka
  • Parzyste rzędy
  • Złoty podział
  • Układ kwadratowy
  • Wyrównaj do środka
  • Puzzle
  • Losowy
  • Poziomo
  • Poziomo 2
  • Poziomo 3
  • Pionowo
  • Dwa do jednego
  • Trzy do jednego

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