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Create your first page

What is a page?

Your website consists of different pages, for example, your Startpage or homepage, a contact page, or a gallery page. Every page on your website is attached to a unique URL address used to access that particular page. 

Create your first page

  1. Click Create at the upper left corner of your admin panel.
  2. Under Create New Page, choose a page type: Project template, Other templates, Blank page or Reuse a Page.
  3. Choose a template for your page.
  4. Input a Page Title for your page. Note that the title you will enter will show in your Menu. It can be edited later.
  5. Hide or show the page in your Menu using the toggle button Add to Menu.
  6. Add the page to a Link page using the toggle button Add to Portfolio page.
  7. The page is created! Now, you can edit the content.

Please note that the first page you create will be your Startpage.

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