
Ezequiel Barranco


Who are you?

I'm Ezequiel Barranco and I am a designer. I live in Seville, an especially nice but very traditional city where I find it hard to find jobs. I love music. Now I have a promoter of punk, postpunk concerts ... which is called Mango Tonight, and I have worked many years as a DJ in a rock room in my city, and most of the things I do are related to music. I really like Classical semiotics in the history of art and symbology. Now I'm making a dictionary of semiotics in the history of art to apply in my designs inspired by others that already exist (I recommend Cirlot Symbols Dictionary).

What is your next creative project?

I am currently doing the images of a fanzine on the night (I want to seriously start thinking about doing my own work), the billboard of a Psychedelia festival in Zaragoza, northern Spain. (Zaragoza Psych Fest) and a series of posters for concerts by Jägermeister Music in Seville.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

I like many things. I like that you personally write to me and do not talk like machines and the truth is that I do not know what to say against. Everything is getting better :) It's great.

Um portfólio online feito para Criativos

Com todas as ferramentas de que um profissional precisa

  • Grelha dinâmica
  • Linhas regulares
  • Número Dourado
  • Proporção Quadrada
  • Alinhar ao Centro
  • Puzzle
  • Aleatório
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dois-Um
  • Três-Um

Comece agora grátis

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