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Add categories

Configure categories in the store settings

To add categories to a product, you first need to open the general store settings and add categories there:

  1. Click Settings at the top right corner of the admin panel.
  2. Click E-Commerce Settings.
  3. Select General Settings.
  4. Click on Store Categories.
  5. Use the Add New Category button to add a category.
  6. Once the category name is provided, click on Save Category for it to appear on the list.

Adding categories to your products

Once categories are specified in the general store settings, you can visit your individual product settings to add existing categories to your products:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Select Your products.
  3. Click on Edit next to the product you want to edit.
  4. Click on Product Settings in the window's top-right corner and select General Settings.
  5. Click on Categories.
  6. Use the Add New Category button to add a category.
  7. Select a category from the list and click Save Category to add it to your product.
  8. Repeat the last step to add multiple categories.

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