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Background Colour & Background Image

Background of your site

You can edit the background colour of your site under the Global Settings. The changes will apply to your entire website. 

  1. Go to Styles
  2. Choose a Background Colour.

Background of a section

You can edit the background colour of a section from the section styles. The changes will apply to that specific section only, not to other sections or pages on your site.  

  1. Mouse over the right top corner of a section.
  2. Click on Edit Section.
  3. Click on Styles.
  4. Click Background & Borders.
  5. Choose a background gradient, colour, or image.

Background of your menu

Edit the background colour of your menu from the menu styles. 

  1. Mouse over the right top corner of the menu.
  2. Click on Edit Menu.
  3. Click on Styles.
  4. Click Background & Borders.
  5. Choose a background gradient, a background colour or a background image.

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

Um portfólio online feito para Criativos

Com todas as ferramentas de que um profissional precisa

  • Grelha dinâmica
  • Linhas regulares
  • Número Dourado
  • Proporção Quadrada
  • Alinhar ao Centro
  • Puzzle
  • Aleatório
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dois-Um
  • Três-Um
Por tempo limitado, ganhe 20% de desconto em todos os planos. ×