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Submit your Portfoliobox sitemap to Google Search Console

What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is a list of URLs on a site. You don't need to manually create your sitemap. Your Portfoliobox site comes with a sitemap using the .xml format. You can view your site map by adding "/sitemap.xml" at the end of your domain. 

  • If you chose a Portfoliobox domain name, your sitemap URL can look like this: https://sitename.portfoliobox.net/sitemap.xml. Replace sitename with your Portfoliobox site name.

  • If you have a custom domain, your sitemap URL will look like this: https://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml. Replace yourdomain.com with your own domain name.

The sitemap of the site https://bonbon.pb.store is bonbon.pb.store/sitemap.xml. Here is what is looks like:

Sitemap of a Portfoliobox website


Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console

  1. On the Google Search Console dashboard, select the site you’d like to index from the property menu in the top left corner.
  2. Click Sitemaps.
  3. Under Add a new sitemap, enter "sitemap.xml" next to your URL.
  4. Click Submit to request Google index your site.

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