
Daan Habets


Concept & Set design by Daan Habets | www.daanhabets.com

Who are you?

I am an Amsterdam-based set designer specializing in miniature scenes made out of cardboard, paper and photo prints. My work is a bit like the peep-show-boxes you may have made as a child. Remember? With your eye pressed up against the peephole you stood like a voyeuristic giant outside that tiny box, but at the same time you’d feel like you were inside that box, in the middle of the story being displayed. I’m hooked on that sense of wonder, curiosity and surprise

What is your next creative project?

I can’t talk about that one yet - sorry.

What do you like about Portfoliobox?

Portfoliobox is easy and good-looking with a super helpful support team to back that up.

Онлайн-портфолио для творческих профессионалов

Со всеми инструментами, необходимыми профессионалу

  • Динамическая таблица
  • Четные строки
  • Золотое сечение
  • Соотношение площадей
  • Центр выравнивания
  • Пазл
  • Случайно
  • Горизонтальный
  • Горизонтально 2
  • Горизонтально 3
  • Вертикально
  • Два-один
  • Три-один

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