News: Introducing Quotes – Simplify Client Estimates with Our New Feature

We are excited to announce Quotes, the newest addition to the Portfoliobox platform. This feature will transform your client interactions!

As a professional, you can create customised quotations to meet your client's specific requirements. You can include detailed information about pricing and terms. The best part is that your clients can easily approve the quotes with a single click, which speeds up the approval process and saves time for both parties involved.

Once your client gives the green light, converting the accepted quote into an invoice is a breeze. Portfoliobox takes care of the heavy lifting, automatically transferring the relevant details, so you can create invoices in seconds. This not only ensures accuracy but also saves you valuable time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

  • Effortless Quotation: Craft customised quotes quickly and easily, making a positive impression on potential clients.
  • Simplified Client Approval: Clients can accept quotes with a simple click, speeding up the engagement process.
  • Smooth Invoicing: Turn accepted quotes into invoices in seconds, ensuring accuracy and saving time.
  • Improved Client Experience: Impress clients with a streamlined, professional approach to engagement.

Portfoliobox's Quotes feature simplifies client engagements, enhances professionalism, and sets the stage for smoother transactions.

Learn more about Quotes

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