
Sebnem Demirel


Sebnem Demirel Fashion Photographer


Tell us a bit about yourself

Hello, my name is Sebnem Demirel. I’m from Turkey but I moved 5 years ago to Paris and studied here photography. I’m a fashion photographer who cares about emotions, environmental and social issues. I use my photos as my voice and I love to tell stories with them. Diversity, equality, mental health, sustainable development… are some of the topics which I care and express in my photos.

Tell us about one of your favourite projects and what inspired you to do it

My “Mental Health” project is very special for me. After my mother passed away I had a really hard time with depressions. I wanted to show that everyone can have a breakdown and that it’s okay not to be okay. At the end you’ll find a way to be back on your feet…

What are you working on at the moment?

I did a photoshooting for a designer at different Paris metro stations. The challenge was to use only the existing lights at the station and the result is very suprising.

Who are your biggest influencers in the industry?

I’m a big fan of Rodney Smith and Yuni Yoshida’s work. Thanks to them I started to use absurd and interesting elements in my photos.

What was the last thing that inspired you?

Paintings, books, photos, music videos, fashion shows…there are so many things that inspire me. Right now I’m inspired of dance movements and I’ll do a shooting with a contemporary dancer in few weeks.

Tell us why it's important for you to have a portfolio website

These days many people prefer to share their work only on social media but having a website is totally different. It’s your personal space that you can control. It is more professional and more organized so everyone can find your work easily. Also the audience on your website is different then the audience on social media, websites are more for your target group.

As a fashion photographer, what are your tips in building an artist portfolio website?

The most important thing is to have a user friendly website. Simple, clear and fast; people who are visiting your website should be able to find quickly your work and your contact info. They shouldn’t be lost in pages and also not be overwhelmed with too many photos at the same time.

How do you market yourself?

I’m an active social media user, especially Instagram. Also LinkedIn is a good way to find contacts. But the most important thing is to be creative and outstanding, everyone will be aware of you if you do something different.

Why do you use Portfoliobox?

Portfoliobox is easy to use, has a good and quick customer service and I love how they are always supporting us!

Visit Sebnem's website for more inspiration and don't forget to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.



  • 动态网格
  • 偶行
  • 黄金比例
  • 平方比例
  • 居中对齐
  • 拼图样式
  • 随机样式
  • 水平
  • 水平 2
  • 水平 3
  • 垂直
  • 02:01
  • 03:01



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