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Change your blog page Url

What is an url? 

Simply put, an URL (Universal Resource Locator) is the entire address of a website, including the protocol. 

Url of a blog page on Portfoliobox

By default the URL of a page is based on its title. If the title of your page is "About", the url of your page will be www.yourdomain.com/about.

When you edit the url of a page in your Portfoliobox website, you edit what comes after the last "/" of your domain. In the example above, you would edit "about".

Change the URL of your blog page

Your blog is like any other page on your Portfoliobox site. To edit a page Url:

  1. Click on Edit at the upper left corner of your admin site.
  2. Select Your Pages.
  3. Mouse over the page you want to edit and hit Settings.
  4. In the URL field, write the new URL.
  5. Click on Change Url to save the change.
  6. Confirm.

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