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Delete a page

To delete an existing page:

  1. Click on Edit at the upper left corner of your admin site
  2. Click on Your Pages.
  3. Hover over the page you want to edit in your page list and hit Delete.
  4. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Please note that everything you do in the admin panel instantly goes live, so there's no way to get a page back once it is deleted - you can only create a new one instead.

Delete a page with Portfoliobox

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  • 平方比例
  • 居中对齐
  • 拼图样式
  • 随机样式
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  • 水平 3
  • 垂直
  • 02:01
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仅在有限的时间内,所有计划均可享受20%的折扣。 ×