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Adding a logo

The logo is part of your menu, and its position depends on your menu template. You can choose to upload an image to replace the text logo. By default, clicking your logo always leads to your start page.

Editing a text logo

By default, your logo is the title you chose for your website upon sign-up.

  1. Double-click on the logo to bring up the editing panel.
  2. Edit the field Text.
  3. You can also redirect your logo to another link than your start page. It can be another page on your site, your blog, your store, an email address, an external link or another section on the same page.

    Change to image logo

Editing the style of the logo

You can edit the style of your logo (colors, font, size, etc.). 

  1. Right-click on your logo (or click the edit icon next to your logo).
  2. Choose Colours & Fonts.
  3. With the editor, you can edit the text font, size, colours, alignment, weight, style, decoration, ligne & letter spacing and link styles.


Adding an image logo

To switch to an image logo: 

  1. Double-click on the logo to open its editing panel.
  2. Click on Change to Image Logo.
  3. Click on Add Image or Video.
  4. Choose a video in your Image Library or upload a new one.
  5. Edit its size with the Image Height cursor.

Adding an image logo

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