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Add a button "Add to cart"

You are not limited to use the product page to sell your items online, as any section can contain an "Add to cart" button. This gives you an option to create a fully customized section or give your product some special attention. The "Add to cart" button can be added by using the Add Element Below option, and selecting type Add to Cart Button for a Product (under Store).

Follow the instructions to add a button:

  1. Right-click on any existing element
  2. In the Context Menu, click Add Element Below
  3. Select option Store on the left menu
  4. Click on the Add button near Add to Cart Button for a Product option

Now the button is added and should be visible on your page. To make this button work, you have to point it towards your product:

  1. Right-click on the "Add to cart" button element
  2. Go to Change Content menu
  3. Select your product from the list, and click Done to save the changes

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