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Improve your site visibility

The content you add to your site and how you present it plays a big role in how easily people are able to find you. As you prepare to publish your site, go through this guide to ensure your site is optimized for search engines and visitors.

Before publishing

1. Unique content

This is one of the most important aspect of SEO: your content should be your first priority when it comes to SEO. Three words: Unique, Qualitative and Relevant.

  • Avoid duplicated content. Every piece of content on your online porfolio needs to be unique: titles, SEO descriptions, body text, image descriptions, product descriptions, blog articles, etc.
  • Your content needs to be accurate and relevant for your audience. For example, if you announce on your website that your are a Fashion photographer, it's not recommended to display photos of your paintings on the same website. Google won't qualify your painting photographs to be a relevant content for your site. If you are also an artist, it's best to create another site dedicated to your artwork.

2. Mention your keywords early on in your content

Make sure to mention your keywords at least once at the top of the page and in strategic places: titles, body text, SEO titles & description, etc. Keywords should be incorporated naturally in your texts, image descriptions or titles, in a way that is comprehensible to your visitors. A list of words at the end of a page does no good to your SEO. Learn how to best use keywords on your website


3. Think the structure of your site with the user in mind

  • Keep the navigation simple so that your visitor easily can find his way around your site. 
  • If relevant, use internal links to help your visitor navigate through your site.
  • Use descriptive words separated with hyphens in your URLs, e.g. what-is-seo, instead of whatisseo.
  • Avoid big chunk of text and prefer paragraph breaks.
  • Include images or videos when appropriate.

4. Structure your content with headers

Use headers to organise the content on your page. Clear headers help the visitor skim your page to quickly find the information available on your page. Optimize your headers with keywords. Learn how to add a header to a page and how to edit the style of your headers in Portfoliobox.

5. Add a site icon

The icon may appear in search results, browser tabs, and elsewhere on the web. Learn how to add a site icon.

6. Add SEO titles & descriptions 

Make sure each page on your site has a unique SEO title & description. The text should be short and readable, and describe the content of the page. You can also add SEO descriptions to individual blog posts and products.

7. Optimise your images before uploading them

To avoid quality loss make sure your images are 1920 pixels in width or height, before you upload them. We also recommend making sure their color profile is sRGB. If you are using Photoshop go to File > Save for Web. This will make sure that the images will be optimized for web browsers. Read more about images.

Edit the name of the files before you upload your images. Try to use keywords in your image titles. The file name will be the image title in your Portfoliobox admin panel. 

After publishing

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