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Ready-made styles

You can use ready-made color and font combinations. A ready-made combination will reset all Global colors and fonts of the site. 

Colors combinations

When choosing a colour combination, you will reset the color of all text, the color of the background and the color of links.

  • color of the text (paragraph, header, titles, etc.): white or black
  • color of the background: white or black
  • color of the link: colorful accent


  • White background
  • Black text 
  • Blue link
  • Black background
  • White text
  • Turquoise link

Font combinations

The font combination sets the chosen font for Headers, Text, Menu, Titles, and Subtitles. There are various font combinations to choose from, so we recommend experimenting to find the best combination for your site.

Choose a ready-made combination

  1. Click on Styles
  2. Under Global Styles, click on Color combinations or Font combinations
  3. Choose the combination you like

NB! Choosing a ready-made combination will reset all Global Colors and fonts of the site. 

Colour and font combination in Portfoliobox

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