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Incorrect information on Google Search results

If recent changes to your site aren't displaying in Google search results, it's likely because Google hasn't re-crawled and re-indexed your site yet. You can wait for Google to re-crawl your site, however, this can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, Google doesn't provide the exact timing.

There's a way to speed up the crawling process using the Google Search Console. If you haven't connected Google Search Console to your account, you may check the following article to connect it: https://www.portfoliobox.net/learn/why-doesn't-my-site-appear-in-google-searches

Keep in mind, that submitting your sitemap to Google doesn't guarantee immediate updates. Google bot crawls billions of sites every day, so it might take a while for it to reach your site, and update the search results.

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

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