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Edit the mobile version of your site

There are several ways to edit the mobile version of your website. 

From your phone

Edit the Global Mobile Style

  1. Log into your admin panel on your mobile phone
  2. Click on the Admin Menu at the bottom of the screen
  3. Click on Styles
  4. Click the Mobile Icon
  5. Edit the global mobile styles

From the admin panel

When editing the mobile styles from the admin panel, it's crucial to have your mobile phone or tablet nearby. This allows you to see the changes in real time by refresing your website on your mobile device regularly. You can Edit the global mobile styles and the mobile styles of individual elements.

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Un porfolio en línea elaborado para creativos

Con todas las herramientas que necesita un profesional

  • Cuadrícula dinámica
  • Filas uniformes
  • Proporción áurea
  • Proporción cuadrada
  • Alinear el centro
  • Rompecabezas
  • Aleatorio
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal 2
  • Horizontal 3
  • Vertical
  • Dos uno
  • Tres uno