
Näytä ${remains} lisää artikkeleita

Add images to any page from the Media Library

Add your images to any page directly from your Image Library. You can add them to existing pages or create a new page.

Add Images to an existing page from the Media Library

To add images to one of your existing pages:

  1. Click on Libraries & Tools
  2. Click on Images under Media Libraries
  3. Select one or several images
  4. Click Add the Images to a Page
  5. Select Add to an Existing Page
  6. Choose the page in the page list

If the page already contains a gallery, images will be added to the gallery. If your page doesn't have a gallery, a new gallery section will be added to your page.

Add Images to a new page from the Media Library

To add images to a new page:

  1. Click on Libraries & Tools
  2. Click on Images under Media Libraries
  3. Select one or several images
  4. Click Add the Images to a Page
  5. Select Create a New Page
  6. Give your new page a title
  7. Click Create Page

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