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Blog settings

  • Blog settings vs. Blog post settings

    Blog settings are the settings of your blog page. It includes: The Url of your blog page. Blog categories. The ability to disable comments on blog level

    Portfoliobox 4 |  Opi Blog Blog settings  |  Created on: May 7, 2021

  • Change your blog page Url

    What is an url? Simply put, an URL (Universal Resource Locator) is the entire address of a website, including the protocol. By default the URL of a page is

    Portfoliobox 4 |  Opi Blog Blog settings  |  Created on: June 2, 2021

  • Unpublish your blog

    A blog page is just like any other page on your Portfoliobox website. Unpublishing your blog allows you to work on it as a draft before publishing it. This mean

    Portfoliobox 4 |  Opi Blog Blog settings  |  Created on: June 2, 2021

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