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Blog settings vs. Blog post settings

Blog Settings

Blog settings are the settings of your blog page. It includes:

  • The Url of your blog page.
  • Blog categories.
  • The ability to disable comments on blog level.
  • Social media share buttons.

Access the blog settings

  1. Click on Settings.
  2. Choose Blog Settings.

Blog settings in Portfoliobox 

Blog Post Settings

Blog post settings are the settings of each blog post. It includes:

  • The URL of the blog post.
  • The date of the post: select a date in the future to schedule a post.
  • Categories: select categories for the post.
  • The ability to disable comments for this specific post.
  • SEO settings: title & description.
  • Comment management: edit or delete comments on the post.
  • Ability to unpublish the post. 

Access the blog post settings

If you are already on your blog post page: 

  1. Right-click on a blog post or click on Edit Post.
  2. Choose Change Content.
  3. Click on Post Settings in the top right corner of the pop-up.

Via Edit:

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Choose Blog Posts.
  3. Click Edit next to a post in the posts list.
  4. Click on Post Settings in the top right corner of the pop-up.

Blog post settings in Portfoliobox

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