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Create an Instagram page

Instagram page allows you to display your Instagram feeds directly on your Portfoliobox site. 

To create an Instagram page, go to New Page, then Social and choose a template for your Instagram page.

We have two available templates for the Instagram page: 

  • Instagram - Displays your Instagram images in square format. 
  • Instagram Grid - Displays your Instagram images in original ratio. 

After creating an Instagram page on your site, you will now have to log in your Instagram account to display your Instagram feed. Enter your Instagram username and password then wait for authentication to complete. Once this is done, your Instagram feed will be displayed on your Instagram page. Please note that you will need enable browser pop up for this process.

You can also filter the images showing on the page by specifying the tags. The tags need to be the same as the ones you use on your Instagram. For example, if you entered #sport then all the images with tag #sport will show on your Instagram page. 

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Kaikki työkalut, jotka ammattilainen tarvitsee

  • Dynaaminen verkko
  • Tasaiset rivit
  • Kultainen leikkaus
  • Neliösuhde
  • Keskitä
  • Palapeli
  • Satunnainen
  • Vaakasuora
  • Vaakasuora 2
  • Vaakasuora 3
  • Pystysuora
  • kaksi–yksi
  • kolme–yksi