
Näytä ${remains} lisää artikkeleita

Edit your pages

Edit the content of a page

If you want to modify a page and add some content, you can:

  • Add sections to the page
  • Edit the style of a section
  • Add elements to each of the sections
  • Reorder elements
  • Style individual elements on the page

Add a section to the page

  1. Hover an existing section
  2. Click the Add section button
  3. Choose a template type
  4. Choose a template

Edit the style of a section

  1. Hover an existing section
  2. Click Edit Section
  3. Click Style
  4. Change the style or settings

Add an element to the section

  1. Click on the edit icon next to any element on the page. This icon will appear every time you mouse over the content.
  2. Choose Add Element Below.
  3. Select the element to add from the list.
  4. Each element can be styled and edited. 

Reorder the elements

  1. Click on the edit icon next to any element on the page.
  2. Click on Reorder Elements.
  3. Move the element up or down.
  4. Press the Esc Key when you're done.

Style an element

  1. Click on the edit icon next to any element on the page.
  2. Click on Styles.
  3. Depending on the element, the styling options will differ. Read more about Element styles.

Watch a video

Edit the page settings

Page settings allow you to configure everything beyond the content of your page. 

To enter the settings menu:

  1. Click on Edit at the upper left corner of your admin panel.
  2. Under Edit Pages, select Your Pages.
  3. Hover over the page you want to edit and click Settings.

Page settings on Portfoliobox

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