
表示 ${remains} その他の記事


  • Adding a page to the menu

    The menu list of your site helps your visitors navigate the content of your website. You can add new links to your menu in a matter of few minutes. To add an

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Add spacing and characters to the menu

    Spacing can act as an invisible separator in your menu so your menu links would look more organised. Characters that are non-clickable are very useful when you

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Add custom links to the menu

    Do you want to add a link that is outside of your Portfoliobox website to your menu? You can absolutely do that! Just follow the steps below: Go to the Tools

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Change the position of the menu

    Do you want to change the position of your menu? Do you want it placed on the top, at the bottom, on the left? You can do that by changing the menu template.

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Create a drop-down menu

    Drop-down menu is also called as drop-down list or pull-down menu. A drop-down menu is a clean and organized method of showing a large list of choices upon

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Remove a link from the menu

    Do you want to remove a page from your menu link but you're afraid the page might get deleted? No worries! Removing pages from the menu does not delete the page

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

  • Add an info text

    Info text is a field that will allow you to enter a short text/information at the bottom of your Left Menu (Example: contact or copyright information). The Info

    Portfoliobox 3 |  学ぶ Design Menu  |  Created on: February 27, 2021

Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result