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Migration to Portfoliobox 4

About the migration

If you have an existing site on one of the previous versions of Portfoliobox and you are considering switching to Portfoliobox 4, we can migrate some of your content to the latest Portfoliobox version 4. Please note that due to drastic changes in the interface, we cannot migrate the layout, pages or text content, i.e. you will have to rebuild the site from scratch. Migration to Portfoliobox 4 allows moving:

  • Your domain name.
  • Your subscription.
  • Some of your images.

What will happen to your existing site? Is it going to be deleted?

Your old site will be fully accessible while discovering the new version and until you publish the new website. Once your new website is ready, you can hit the Publish button to publish your work — this action will delete the old site and move your domain to the new version, finalising the migration.

Deleting the old site is required since we convert all site and subscription data to a new version.

Can I cancel the migration?

If you want to cancel the migration, you can delete the new site and keep your current site. All the content will be in place.

What's the price?

You don't have to pay anything to migrate, and the new pricing will apply beginning from the next subscription year. You can check our pricing page to learn more about available plans and their cost.

How to begin the migration?

Kindly reach our support team, provide your registered email address and domain name and ask to migrate your site. Our support team will migrate it as soon as possible.

How long does it take?

The migration can take up to 24 hours. You will receive an email as soon as your images get migrated.

Onboarding video

Before you publish your new site

Think about your page titles & URLs

If you want to keep the same structure on your new website, it is important that the pages you create on your new site have the same titles and URLs as on your current website. This will prevent pages already indexed in search engines from redirecting to a broken page when your new site is published. 

Learn how to edit your page URL in Portfoliobox 4

Custom domain name

Migration from Portfoliobox 2

If you have a website on Portfoliobox 2 and own your domain name, you will need to edit the configuration of your domain name for it to work with Portfoliobox 4.

Go to your domain provider and edit the existing CNAME record that points to world.portfolioboxdns.com so that it points to home.portfolioboxdns.com. If you need help with the configuration, please contact our support team.

Migration from Portfoliobox 3

You will not need to change its configuration if you have a website on Portfoliobox 3 and own your domain name. 

Publish your new site

When you have completed your new website, you must click on Complete Migration in your Portfoliobox 4 admin panel. You will be asked to enter your bank card information first. You will need to click See Live to confirm. This will trigger a few things: 

  • Your domain name will be routed to your new website
  • Your new website will be live
  • Your old website will be deleted
  • Your subscription will be migrated to your new account

After the migration

You will need to add your Google Analytics code again

Since your site on Portfoliobox 4 is a completely new website, you must add the Google Analytics code to your new site after publishing it. Your site in the old version will be deleted after the migration is finalised that's why it is important to add the code again to maintain the connection between Google Analytics and your website. 

For any additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team.

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