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Share a password-protected page with a client

Follow these steps to share a password-protected page with a client.

Create a password-protected page

  1. Click on Create
  2. Under Locked content, choose Password Protected Pages
  3. Give your page a title and click on Create Page
  4. Add content to your page

Set a password for your page

  1. Click on Edit
  2. Under Edit Locked Content, click on Your Password Protected Pages
  3. Hover over the page and click on Settings
  4. Under password, fill in a Password

Share your protected page

  1. Click on Edit
  2. Under Edit Locked Content, click on Your Password Protected Pages
  3. Hover over the page and click on Share
  4. In the field Email addresses, fill in the email address of the recipient
  5. Write a Message
  6. Fill in the password
  7. Click on Send
  8. Confirm

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Portfoliobox ${pbVer}: Search Result

Een online portfolio gemaakt voor creatievelingen

Met alle tools die een professional nodig heeft

  • Dynamisch raster
  • Regelmatige rijen
  • Gulden snede
  • Vierkante verhouding
  • Centreren
  • Puzzel
  • Willekeurig
  • Horizontaal
  • Horizontaal 2
  • Horizontaal 3
  • Verticaal
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  • Drie-één