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Add tags to images in the Image Library

What is a tag?

A tag is a word or phrase that describes what your image is about. You can also think of it as a label. Tags are a good way to keep your images organised in the library. Keeping the tag short (1 to 3 words) is best. One image can have several tags.

Add tags to your content

To add a tag to one or several images:

  1. Click on Libraries & Tools
  2. Click on Images under Media Libraries.
  3. Select one or several images.
  4. Add a tag in the tag field.
  5. Save.

Add tags to images in the image library

Remove tags to your content

To remove a tag from images:

  1. Click on Libraries & Tools
  2. Click on Images under Media Libraries.
  3. Select one or several images.
  4. Click Delete next to the tag you wish to remove.

Delete a tag from images in the image library

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