
Pokaż ${remains} więcej artykułów

Add variants

Open the product settings

To add variants to a product, you first need to open the product settings:

  1. Open your product.
  2. Click Edit Product.
  3. Click on Change Content.
  4. The product dialogue is now open, and you can see the product details (Title, Description, Price, etc.)
  5. Click Product Settings at the top right corner of the dialogue window and choose Variants.

Add variants

Now that you have reached the variant editor, you can create your variants:

  1. Click on Add New Variant.
  2. Fill in the variant details: Image, Title, Price and Weight for shipping.
  3. Click on Save New Variant
  4. Use the up and down arrow to sort the variants.

Style the variants

The shop settings include an option to choose how variants will display on your products: Dropdown or Aligned

  1. Click Store settings
  2. Choose General settings
  3. Under "Display variants in one line", choose the position.

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