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Duplicate a page

Portfoliobox offers a convenient way to duplicate any page by using it as a template, streamlining the process of creating new pages with similar layouts or content. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Create in your Portfoliobox admin panel
  2. Under Reuse a Page, click on Use an Existing Page as a Template
  3. You will be prompted to enter a new title for your duplicated page. Fill in a page title in the provided field.
  4. Decide whether you want to add this new page to your site's menu.
  5. Once you've completed the above steps, click Create Page.

You will be automatically redirected to the newly created page, where you can customise it.

This feature is designed to save time and effort, especially when creating multiple pages with a similar structure or theme. By reusing an existing page as a template, you can maintain consistency across your site while still having the flexibility to customise each new page.

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