How to choose the best domain name for an online portfolio website

You just have to set the parameters, and they will create the names, relying on the specified requirements. Usually, such services are offered for free. But, which parameters do you have to set?

There are certain requirements for a successful domain name, which are better to know. But, why do you have to pay so much attention to your domain? You see, the domain is basically the link, which leads to your website. And, the clearer it is for the users, the more chances your webpage will show in the first searching Google page. Thus, it directly affects the traffic of your site. Getting your website on the first searching page is important, as people commonly do not click on the second or third pages, as the first one provides them what they searched for. 

At least Google thinks that, and that’s how its searching programs work. So, it’s important to make the right domain name for your website. Therefore, searching tools will count it as an appropriate one and suggest it to the users. So, how to pick up a domain name?

Creating the best domain name

Creating the best domain name

First of all, you don’t need to think that programs and sites will create it simply out of nothing, without any of your assistance. You have to specify the theme of your portfolio website, define the peculiarities that differ it from millions of others pages. So, what are the basic rules in creating a popular searchable domain?

Brevity is the soul of wit. Though the maximum number of symbols of your domain name is 63, we won’t advise you to do it. The reason is simple — people just won’t be able to remember it. The best domain is the one that is easy to remember and reproduce in the searching bar. Take into consideration the fact that the longer your domain is, the more mistakes people will make, and thus, they won’t find your site.

No extra signs. In order to make their domain more unique many users make one significant mistake: add extra signs. Unfortunately, dashes, dots, numbers or hyphens only complicate your domain name. Thereby, making it a lot harder to find, as people tend to make more mistakes. Even if the dom name is short, memorizing the position and the name of symbols is way more complicated , as there is no precise association with dash or hyphen, except “stick”.

Simple spelling. Make sure your domain name is not just a set of letters, but a full lexical unit that makes sense. Also, try to choose simple, commonly used words. Remember that the most important thing in creating the right domain is the level of its simplicity to remember. It must be short, simple and easily associative.

Domain name is website name. The easiest way to popularize your site, and make it more memorable is just to choose your website’s name as a domain one. If it’s long, you can choose some part of it or contract it. The abbreviation may be a good decision too, especially if it’s rhythmic, thus easier to remember.

Domain name generator. In case you can’t come up with the appropriate idea, or your website’s name can’t be contracted, then dom name generators are here to help you. Just simply enter the searching line you want to be included in the name and here you go. The generator will offer you all the possible variations of available domain names.

Moreover, when choosing the domain, stick to top-level ones, like .com, .uk, .ru, etc. These are the most common and popular in the world. Thus, your website is gonna to show up on the first search page. 

Checking it up

 domain for a website

After you created the dom name for your portfolio website it’s worth checking it up. Thus, you will be sure you have chosen the best possible domain name. There are three basic questions you should ask yourself while looking at your website link:

Is it vacant? This is the most important thing to find out. You may have created a wonderful domain all by yourself, but what are the chances that someone hadn’t done it before you? Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that our imagination fails us. It’s easy to do research on the Internet. Usually, they tell you, if your name is already taken.

Is it unique? Again, ask yourself: does my domain name differ from hundreds of others? Even if it’s short and simple, users may easily mistake it with some other site that has a similar or in some extend related domain. But, there’s a thin border between creating a unique name and a hard-to-remember one.

Is it universal? This one may not be that obvious. But actually it’s quite useful to consider, in case you want to expand your business and the theme of your portfolio website. For example, if you ran the website particularly about shoes and then decided to expand your theme to clothes, the more general name, like “” or “” will play to your advantage. 

Moreover, when creating your domain name, make sure you can use it as an email. The website gains more trust when its name and email match. Besides, it is very convenient for you and your clients. Finally, when you have chosen and checked your domain, use it as fast as you can as more than one million domains are registered every day, so hurry up. So that no one will steal your perfect domain!

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